LOD Nova - does enforcer boost its damage?

Why doesn’t lod nova go with enforcer since 2 of the blood novas are cast by the simulacrum?

Simulacrums ingame are not counted as pets.


Wait… what?! So they don’t lower your DR from the passive that gives you 100% resistance less 10% for every minion? Or are they “minions” but not “pets”?

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There s a similar thread discussing this topic:

AFAIK, Simulacrums will not lower the Stand Alone bonus. Enforcer would not buff the Sims damage, but it supposedly should make them tankier, due to the lvl 25 effect on Enforcer gem.

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This part is correct, I just verified that having stand alone boosts armor by 100 percent without minions and summoning Sim does not change that bonus at all. This includes the rune which gives you 2 of them.

I believe the game tags Sims as clones (they are copies of the player and mimic it’s actions) and as such they gain no benefit or downside applied to pets/minions by gear or mechanics unless Sims are specifically indicated.

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