LoD-Lightning Frenzy with Odyn Son. GR107 down easy so far

when 99.999% of your damage depends on stricken…


Another multiplier.

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Rolled up an ancient Odyn Son and gave it a try in a 110, followed by another using Azurewrath instead. They felt… about the same. And that’s considering that AZ isn’t giving you a damage boost from Freeze the way it is with H90. So basically, I think all you’re really getting from either one is 20% elemental.

I don’t really feel like the chain lightning proc is doing much of anything. I mean, what are the numbers on that?

1.38x (weapon damage) * … ?

That’s basically it. So that’s 1.38x for Chain Lightning and 196.0x for Bloodshed. And that’s in density. Against a single target, Frenzy itself is far more powerful still, dealing 2.2x * 660 = 1452x, on top of the 196x from Bloodshed, so about 1648x total to that single target. Even if the same chain lightning can hit the same guy multiple times like you say, that’s not a lot of damage.

So, yeah… the feel I get for Chain Lightning is: “doesn’t do anything”, and the math supports that.

But: there’s nothing wrong with just running lightning and carrying around an Odyn Son, it’s just as good as Azurewrath for a LoN/LoD setup. I think the clear best choice, though, is Echoing Fury, since it can get you all the way down to a 5 Frame Frenzy, which is a ~40-60% damage bump.

Update: I ended up dropping Odyn for Echoing fury (speed is too good to pass during the rift, but in the RG Odyn was somehow faster).

I switched Trapped with Simplicity

I kept OP with Saffron. It is quite good. I completed 110 at first try (still no augments and 1800ish paragon). A bit of luck with the pylons as well. I am quite sure with Odyn I could go the same map, I will do some more tries.

LoD Frenzy looks viable

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Haha, well, guess that depends on what you mean by viable!

5 tiers weaker than our weakest set… not sure if that counts as viable or not.

Still, I’m glad you’re back and having fun!

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Somebody in China will show it one day :slight_smile:

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Here’s a new version of a “just for fun” build I cooked up and posted back on the old forum, “Procctimus Prime”.

It’s a LoD build with about as many visible on-hit (or on-something) effects crammed in as possible.

It is obviously not very good, but could be pretty fun for lower GRs.

These existing legendaries need a rework/update in their mechanics. So many potential builds are being wasted just because they are not turning their buffs to multipliers/ or even have their own proc coefficients etc.