LMAO that inventory screen!


there was nothing wrong with diablo 2 inventory system. diablo 3’s is totally more cluttered and disasterous. item icons are way too small, inventory screen is way too small, its a World of Warcraft clone, so much wrong with this and how blizzard tries to take elements from WOW and use them in all their games.

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I don’t think it looks bad, personally. I wouldn’t say it looks very interesting or eye-catching but it doesn’t offend me in any way.

But D3 had color and that’s why we have to hate it! We have to go back to the color palette of gray, brown, and red with very little light because the game is supposed to be “dark and gritty”!

Honestly, if it still looks like this at release, I’m not buying it. I’ll stick with D3 because at least it’s not just a drab mix of dark colors guaranteed to cause eye strain after half an hour of playing.


Idk what you haters are talking about… I think the inventory looks just fine… Not only that, if you were actually at blizzcon and have heard what they said… It’s still very much in development. So either you don’t care about Diablo in the first place and are just looking to talk sh!t about anything you can, OR you’re just not really sure how game development stages go and are new to this kind of thing.

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Wow… people already crying about an inventory in a game thats in alpha version at best lol

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Seriously though what is the deal with this haha? In the grand scheme of developing a game I feel like it can’t be that hard to have inventory aesthetics be a bit more pleasing. Why is it Diablo 2 could have some unqiue item models and coloration that were relatively cool but games a decade or two later can’t?

The Alpha release of d3 had warcraft inventory items and spell icons. It had been criticized, but it remained.

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The UI could look a little nicer but to be honest, sometimes less is more.

i precisely asked you that, because your answer proves that you are mad just to be mad, thinking that being mad is some sort of go to fashion now
Inventory looks like all the diablo inventories looked before, abeit even more polished
You are just trying to invent issues , where there are none, to try and justify your fake rage and outburst
Sorry, but we can easily read thru your fake comments

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The 2008 inventory looks way better tbh. :slight_smile:

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I dunno I am not really angry about it or anything but it still seems kinda lame to me as well.

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That’s simply absurd. Suppose you start at design A, then iterate on the design to improve it to get to design B, then to design C and utlimately D.

If you go all the way back to design A, that’s called regression - the opposite of progression.

D3 started at design A (as seen in 2008). Then they improved the design into design B, C, and so on. They ultimately settled in the design we have now, released in 2012 which has remained unchanged through 2019. It happens to be the same design of D2 and even D1. It’s a great design!

The inventory they have shown in D4 is design A. They have regressed 11 years of design. It doesn’t matter that it’s in early stages of development. They already have designs B, C, and D. So why did they use A, even provisionally? It’s just stupid and a waste of development resources.

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Breath of the Wild used the original NES Legend of Zelda as a prototype and placeholder artwork. ANYTHING can be a place holder and its not your decision when, why, how or what they use to make their game. This is a common practice in game development, I even use copyrighted stuff I don’t own in prototypes and no one will say anything to me about it. You know why? Because that will never be in the end product.

It is specifically done this way so that the programmers can see that their code is doing what is intended while the artists work on designs for the final content. You should be thankful Blizzard is even willing to show you stuff like this, because they don’t owe it to you to show you a darn thing but the completed, final product, unless you are in their QA department, a shareholder, or on staff as a project manager at some level of the development.

LMAO thanks for the chuckle!

Hey, another dev whats up man? :slight_smile:

I would love to see a better version of what they did in D2. They actually had some artwork and models that distinguished gear and was a bit more tangible to see. D2 was really primitive in how they did it ( they would just color the same models greenish or orangeish sometimes) It could be done way better but it was still superior to the little boxes of terrible looking items in the d3 inventory

Sacred has the best inventory and item design
Change my mind :3