LMAO that inventory screen!

I’m sure it will change. Nothing about that screen says blizzard.

It’s likely all placeholder stuff.

Even as placeholder, why not just start at the paperdoll? It looks like they busted out the D3 pre-alpha from 10 years ago and started there.

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Yes and look at how the D3 inventory screen turned out compared to the initial screenshot. Take a wild guess as to whether the D4 one will change.

edit. who cares where they start with it, they likely just needed an inventory ready for the demo.

No, it looks like a different game completely to me.


And guess what? They already have an inventory screen from 2019, not 2008.

This is just a pre-alpha version of the game that has been shown only to “erase” what happened last year.
They even said " D4 is not even coming soon".

2022 if we’re lucky so I’m not worried about the “similarities” with D3 nor with the bad state of the GUI.

What’s important is that they scrapped almost everything from D3.

It’s very possible, as the 2D art looks like a complete ripoff from D3 and is not aligned with the “embrace the darkness” they were repeating again and again.

And my best beat comes from the top side, because it’s empty both from items and the character itself, the frame is bigger than him, so it screams “we still didn’t put the stuff in the right place”.

Because you are a shill bot of blizzard


Stay away from D2 Art Desgin. Its 20 years old

I like the new inventory. Hell, I like pretty much everything about what has been announced so far :stuck_out_tongue:

all of the panels and windows you see now are almost certainly place holders, not hard to figure out really…

The inventory screen has not been reworked, it’s a copy from d3 with the same flat look items. I really hope they change this background color behind each item à la Wow/d3.
Though the skill tree has a stone look like in d2. I find it good.

Looks like a total copy/paste + from D3 unfortunately… super bummed by this. I hate the way D3 looked and felt.


and how it should look, then, acording to your opinion?
i am curious

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Just start with the paperdoll? The D3 inventory shown was an old concept from 2008 that they scrapped years ago. Why do exactly the same thing 10 years later?

D3 development suffered from non-stop iteration. They just went around in circles trying to reinvent everything. That’s why so much was scrapped and itemization is so bad because it’s the last thing they did, and simply ran out of time.

This inventory looks like they are ignoring 4 years of work that they already spent trying and discarding things.

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What does we are not even Blizzard close to release do all y’all fail to understand hmmmmm? Let’s revisit this when Alpha is getting closer to finish hmmmmm?

I see no issue here, honestly. It looks functional. Aesthetics are an opinion, I don’t mind this.

doing nothing would be better than what i have seen. it doesnt matter what some of us think, its that so many people are going to get sucked into this game for the same reasons they got suckered into buying D3: people assume it will be a good game. it wont.

The D4 team from what i have seen have developed a master piece. Dont like it move on