LLama is Right Again - @Blizzard and VV

the answers wont change just because its blizzard and not reddit :slight_smile:


Remap keybinds? What does that even mean? Are they asking how popular a skill bar is? Hilarious. Why tf didn’t they ask that before they just did it in D3. I hate the new controls cause they give me less control and options. If I wanted to play a console game I would do so.

hahaha, throw the dictionary out the window who needs it.

Problem is many of those poll takers didn’t play that much D2, they grew up with or started with D3 and they answer based on their experiences. The average age of Reddit is young 20s, most of them didn’t play D2. They played it as an afterthought or after trying D3, those are your poll takers. Do we destroy what D2 is to try and capture D3 players? I think it’s very bad and it would certainly make me think twice about supporting Blizzard as a company.

Actually, I went on to d2jsp where the survey was also posted (as well as Blizzard’s D2R forum) and found multiple reports of d2jsp forum members filling out the survey.

Also, since 99% of reddit’s survey respondents self-reported to be D2 players, the average age was likely much higher than reddit overall.

In one of the news reports about D2R, it seems that Blizzard is worried about striking the right balance.

Direct quote from

Thinking about the quoted statement and if it is accurate, what D2 element might ruin the game for new players that were unfamiliar with it?

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Dude you put this in hype train D2R and the Diablo forum. Half the people in that forum are D3 players. Should we destroy all things Diablo 2 to satisfy the people that have never played it? Your poll sample is garbage.

Besides, D2 is already D2. Stop trying to make the game so easy.

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To post in the D2R forum requires that you pre-purchased D2R. The most plausible hypothesis is that D2R forum posters were primarily D2 players and not D3 players who paid $40 to troll D2 players.


You don’t think D3 players are buying D2R? Ha.

What is the asking for a skill bar? D2 players don’t give a care about that.

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I play both D2 and D3. They are presumably others like me. I stand by what I stated.

On the D2R forum,

  1. D2 players only (no D3 or very little)
  2. Players that played both D2 and D3
  3. D3 only players (very few)
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Cause it supports your agenda. You’re no statistician, your poll is trash.

But again, regardless they should make D2 D2 instead of catering to the majority (which a large portion are going to be these zoomer, D3 players that haven’t played much D2 and don’t know the game so well).

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giggles a little…

I have not conducted any poll about D2R.

I would argue that Blizzard should not necessarily do what the majority wants but it should consider what the majority wants. Blizzard will ultimately decide.

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It is unlikely that somebody that liked D3 wouldn’t consider buying D2R (espec after all of the outcry about how great D2 is from D2 players).

Sure a few may not buy D2R, Blizz can’t fool you all like they did to us w D3. I won’t buy D4 though if it’s a 6 skill, cooldown slaughter fest like it looks.

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Its not what the majority of english speakers would call ‘hard’.

Its a make work game, the gameplay exists to fluff out the time required to achieve goals.

the only pivot that d2 has in relation to ‘hard’ is the time required to mule, deal with latency, the inability to focus any single item - or even item groups.
None of these things are what is usually called ‘hard’. It is mechanical time wasting.
‘Make Work’

Conversely, dying quickly is often what is termed ‘hard’. Long periods of intense mental focus, and highly demanding twitch responses.
Sometimes the interplay of issue recognition and correct (cognition) reaction within a time frame is also termed ‘hard’.

You ability to sift through a prefex/suffix list, is not considered hard.


Oh really? Well I for one think we should all start out with Enigmas and Griefs. It takes too much time to work for things. /s

Dont be silly, games need rewards/targets, they are one of those in this game.

I’m not trying to piss on you mate. I can make a good argument that d2 is not hard. I made a half hearted swipe at an argument, cause forums, yes?

If you truly want things to remain a certain way, simply play selectively. Choose what rules you play by, stick to them.
You know, like Role Playing a character has rules?

It should be a reasonably fun game for anyone who picks it up. Its not niche, blizzard does not make niche games. An obnoxious game would not be what the generic consumer would expect from blizzard.

:slight_smile: and you can make it harder for yourself, if you choose to do so.


“Hard” isn’t the correct word, the appropriate word is “challenging”. Anyone who says the game isn’t challenging, is more than likely someone who has never actually played the game without build guilds and easy access to BiS gear, which would be 99% of the players asking for the game to be changed.

Well even an easy game can be made easier. I personally wouldn’t say some feats on D2 are all that easy.

You are arguing syntax? It seems to be quite inconsequential and wrong, it’s a bit annoying.

Would you not agree that the proposed changes make the game easier? Do I need to explain that a power increase or more easily attainable resources make the game easier? Duh.

Beyond the (small) amount of developer time, I still don’t see any logical argument for making optional improvements to D2R over D2 where those improvements don’t alter the game play between “D2R Classic” as it were and “D2R improved”.

Personal loot, along with shared stash, auto gold pickup, stackable gems and runes (but not potions) simply don’t alter the game play any, so you all against those changes simply don’t have any good reasons for opposing them, so long as they don’t consume great gobs of developer time.


Sure you can, and if they were to do that, and I did not like it. I would simply not pick up some stuff.

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An alternate perspective

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i dont see where it would make the game easier if they just made not every single melee character use grief :confused:

I do not believe they will do any* real changes to the game state. At all.

They sat on the current state of the original release for all the time its been as it is. There were 2 major changes (since I began playing at at least) in the gamestate; synergies and respec.

It has always been a pay to win game, its always been a lag fest, its always been a massive grind if you dont pay to skip the grind. Its always been full of bots, its always been full of hacks. Its got an obnoxious looting system, while both trading and item storage are are excessive time wasters. The game is of the sort of quality that if released today would get a conga line of refunds and lawsuits.

It was designed for the bots, it plays best as a bot, its not a friendly game.

and thats why I dont think it will be changed at all.