Literally nothing to play untill D4

I have literally nothing to play, nothing is enjoyable now.
I like PoE, Lost Ark , League of Legends and other games still of course, but I have no urge to play them.
I Don’t know what happened, Playing D2 Resurrected and then Elden Ring…Showed me these are the only styles of games I really enjoy, Dark and lonely…the vibes the aesthetic, The way loot works in Diablo games I have always loved (Excluding you know what :rofl: ) I just wanna kill some mobs and get loot but in D4, nothing compares

Do not go off here and say the games not out, you don’t know how endgame works w/e its irrelevant as I have watched every vid and blog update on it multiple times so i know how it looks and I’m in love.


Anyways, Do you feel the same? I’m too excited for Diablo 4 so im going to comment on this post every single day until release, I don’t know why, but I’m going to :slight_smile:


Have you tried Fortnite? :hugs:

On A serious note, Outriders is pretty Nice and the mod design will be similar to how d4 handle legendary.

Mode are like legendary power that you can extract from gears and paste to another.

Each gear can have 2 ( now 3 mods from recent expansion ) , you can only replace one. It makes the loot hunt pretty fun to optimize the best mods.


I picked up Grim Dawn and Kingdoms of Amalur again.

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Uh, we’re in the middle of the Steam summer sale, gamer.

Darkest dungeon
Hollow Knight
It Lurks Below
The Witcher
Elder Scrolls

just a billion games to look through… are you a gamer or a casual?

if you have an xbone, try Castlevania HD: Harmony of Despair


Not really. I play the games that interest me in the moment. The only genre of game that does not interest me in the slightest is RTS, so I always have something to kill time with.

As for D4 I will probably play it if it looks good at release, don’t care about it at all until then.

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Elden ring, probably one of the best games ever. Totally different style than Diablo, though. If you want to stick to a similar genre you can try Titan Quest and Grim Dawn. Both are excellent.


No, I don’t feel that way. I have about 800 games across 6 platforms. If anything, I have too much. I have a sizable number of games that I bought for $10 or less during Steam sales that I haven’t even installed yet, let alone played.


Nope. I have many backlogs to clear.

If anything, I am more looking forward to FF16 than Diablo 4:

Try project diablo 2. A new season just started a week ago. The game is so freaking good. It’s like if old blizzard released a new expansion for d2 after LOD.

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take a look at last epoch on youtube. for me that game is lots of fun

Game I suggest trying:

Diablo I
Diablo I: Tchernabog (mod)
Grim Dawn
Dark Souls series
Witcher series (Not often as dark)
God of War (2018)
Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow


play wow classic wrath best way to kill time till D4 hands down

I honestly feel exactly the same.

Kind of depressed when I don’t have a good mmo or arpg to play, and I’ve gone off mmo’s completely now.

Latest wow expansion did that for me. People say that they will quit but I actually did. I no longer play mmo’s and was really excited for Shadowlands after Classic got me back into the idea of playing wow.

Issue is the wow playerbase is too toxic and game is geared towards providing the most toxic competitive players with all the best loot.

I just want to play solo now. I like competing at the highest level, but not with a bunch of douchebags who won’t accept new players. I performed excellently, better than others in gearing, raiding and pvp, but was still kept out of the raid group in favour of players that were in the guild before me. Investing tons of time into fail groups is extremely disheartening. Also felt like I got set back after being really ahead at the start of the expansion. It was hard enough for me to get into a mythic raiding guild let alone finding another one and going through the same thing a 2nd or 3rd time. So this was what finally got me to give up on mmo’s until maybe Ashes of Creation. But even then I’m not that hyped tbh, mmos are kinda dead to me. Not really an immersive experience anyway.

Diablo 4 is really important for me that it’s good. I don’t think any type of game can satisfy my itch for a social, online rpg with good end game and itemisation, builds and classes, combat, and most importantly (for myself) a robust, fun, balanced pvp for end game.

I just don’t have fun making powerful characters in online rpgs unless I can use them in pvp, and even arena pvp gets boring. Large map pvp modes where you have random, gank style pvp fights and pvp/pve modes or world pvp are what makes these games SO much fun to grind and build powerful characters in.

Once I’ve beaten the game on the hardest mode, I might make 1 or 2 more classes but I will usually stop playing at this point if the pvp isn’t good or non existent.

I really hope D4 has a really enjoyable online experience and lots of pvp activities. As well as a great solo experience for building characters to use in pvp or group pve.


Options for arpg is very limited. If you open up for looter shooters, many options opened up.

Borderlands series and it’s branch off Tini Tina, remnant and outriders are all very nice.

Yeah like i know of every game mentioned here, I have a bunch of games also just with the way i am and my brain works, There is nothing similar to Diablo 4 in any way that can scratch my itch…

Yes other games are similar but they are old and its not the same, I dont really like the feel of combat in a lot of the games mentioned or the way to gear your character, Thats what put me off Lost Ark only grind u do is chaos dg lol.

The only games im looking forward to are, BOTW2 and Diablo 4

All the games mentioned are great games just not for me, i need d4

I hear sex can be fun.


There is an ARPG not many people seem to know of called Victor Vran. It’s a great underrated ARPG I highly recommend though the graphics are alike like Diablo 3’s.

Also, the Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Final Cut (has all three games in one) is another great one.

Torchlight 1 and 2 if you don’t mind the art style, never played 3 but I grabbed it on sale.

<— now full Diablo-slave.
D2 ladder, D3 ladder, repeat until release.

well there´s the odd visit to SC II and CS:GO.
i would get regular on CS:GO again but the once perfect CS keeps getting diluted audio- and visual-wise and the later maps are small and crappy too…

i would be looking forward to Half-Life 3 but since it´s been confirmed vr only… r.i.p, that ip…

I feel the opposite :smiley:
Might as well delay D4 a few years or decades, so I can get around to playing all those other games sitting in my various game libraries.

The “multiplayer experience” at its best.
Yes please, just let us play solo in D4.

Victor Vran is an decent experience but for me, its a one-time experience type of game. It’s great for the money though.

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