List of Major Problems on PTR so far

you can’t just simply nerf a class because of 1 person and 1 clear…blizz did that mistake with ww in the past which was the reason we had underperforming ww for so long
and even if he said he could go higher than 140, i doubt it would be more than 1-2 if all because the rift he had was amazing and someone having much plvl (legal or not…) doesn’t make him right by default
the diffenrence between 140 and 146 is huge and he had not only a great rift but also defence problems and the improvements in gear and even skill/runechanges alone won’t be enough on that lvl even if he get another “perfect rift”
i would be interested if there is a wiz player with 10k+ paragon because starpact is at least as strong as new ww but i doubt there is an insentive to push with that on ptr


i agree, they should definitely be useful.

there’s a few issues overall i have with the kill streak stuff.

we are incentivized to keep stacks. any lag or random distance between mobs, or changing floors even, will make us lose stacks. this kind of gameplay isnt always optimal for certain builds, but being an extra, that’s not too big of a deal.

the thing that kills me about the fact that they put this in, is that they track our stacks that come from hits on a buff icon, but the kill streak mechanic is ONLY in adventure mode, NOT rifts or GR, even though the bonuses apply still. so, there is NO WAY to know how many kills you are at while inside any rifts.

i never understood why the killstreak counter was removed for rifts and GR. i would like to see the counter with xp bonus added in, though that would add real incentive to keep streaks. granted, it does exist in bounty mode, and is normally used in early leveling anyway.

on the WW barb, i broke rift 100 with no real issues with barely leveled gems, no augments, though i did have ancient weapons with gifts and all decent roll ancient armor. i’m not so sure it needs a nerf, but maybe, barely. i very much enjoyed the new slam with earth set, that will probably be my go-to, haven’t tested IK hammer.

on the new monk set, i didn’t even see the sweeping wind grow in size like the 6pc says, and the more i read the 6pc bonus, the more confused i got. do i need to hit with tempest 30 times in a short time? or SW? how short of a time? why 30 hits? why is the bonus damage only for SW, and why is there no damage reduction at all?

crusader set has the same issue as monk: why are we only buffing a single skill? there are only two items that go with the skill that is buffed as well, and it seems to me that the damage reduction could be acquired better for the set. i agree this set is pretty lackluster.

there’s another larger issue i’ve had since this thread is compiling issues, i’ll come back when i remember what it was lol. something more about the game overall idk.

If WW Rend gets nerfed than I won’t be playing a barb at all…

In patch 2.6.6 we got crimson redesigned and squirt which made UE Multishot DH a lot better, so why is so hard to be happy for barb for a change and work together on making other classes underperfoming sets or legendaries stronger instead of asking for nerfs…

Make life easier for each other, don’t act like kids who got their favourite toy taken away from you or can’t stand the fact that a class that you don’t play can clear up to 140-144 with ridiculous high paragon and almost BiS items in all slots…


crying over barb being to strong in 2019 :rofl::rofl:


Great post, everything he mentioned should be considered.

Edit: leave barb though. Glad they getting some love

NEVER PLAYED IT STILL WAITING WITH 30 OTHERS TO PLAY LIVE AGAIN…TORTURE. nev pls get us a update…we need maintenance on the diablo server before me an these 30+ people miss out on season 18 not just PTR HERE Start Game Greyed Out - Unable to join game, only available to party leader - #40 by SkaTurtle-1978

Hey all,

The PTR was a great opportunity for us to test balance changes, measure server stability, and gauge overall fun of the Season. Everyone who participated has provided epic feedback and we appreciate it. We’re analyzing all your thoughts and making changes for the upcoming patch.

Thank you for continuing to post your feedback and especially keeping it respectful.


Matthew Cederquist! – A Classic Games Produce in the D3 forum with a D2 LoD Avatar! I can’t wait until Friday!


*Eats dev*


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Most fun I’ve had on a WW Barb in years.
Please let it continue into live that way.


Well honey it’s been a LOOOOOOOOONG time since I’ve had proper fun with a Barb.

Barbarian, not Barbara.

So how about you give us a tiny early Xmas present and LEAVE HIM THE BURNING HELLS ALONE!!!


Dont worry the Forges are Burning Hot remember , surely we have massive content coming :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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I hope that you consider some modifications to class balance in the final numbers relative to buffs and nerfs. Both the new sets seem underpowered. I certainly understand why the nerfs to Wizard’s Chantodo and Necromancer’s thorn builds were introduced.

Monk and Barbarians have been in dire need of a buff for awhile. The magnitude of the barb buff seems too great, while monks have fallen by the wayside and need buffs. I think that barbs being the top solo class is fine (only 1 class can have the top solo build); however, I strongly encourage the use of Blizzard’s analytics to make sure that the buff that goes live does not result in an outlier class that is several greater rifts above the next best solo class, especially in light of the introduced nerfs to two classes. One possible solution would be to decrease the rend damage buff on lamentation from 150%-200% to a flat 100%.

P.S. Extra stash space or character slots would be a wonderful addition to the game to store the new 6-piece sets and supporting legendaries that your Diablo team is creating.

  1. The current top clears in non-season for America/EU/Asia combined are

Barb 133
Crusader 138
Demon Hunter 139
Monk 134
Necromancer 142 (being nerfed)
Witch Doctor 140
Wizard 144 (being nerfed)
PTR Barb -140 done (144-146 estimated)

  1. Comparison of era leaderboard ranking of the top greater rift 130 and 125 clears
Current Era (Non-Season) in American Region
Barbarian Crusader Demon Hunter Monk Necromancer Witch Doctor Wizard PTR Barbarian
Ranking of best 130 3 17 5 3 8 12 92 21
Ranking of best 125 8 58 29 12 21 37 386 82

Producer != Dev

:slight_smile: More characters


I have my own inextinguishable forges, lit by my immortal endless farts. Thanks.


He speaks like a dev, so he gets eaten like a dev. :slight_smile:

Some Barbarians might be called Barbara.
(I have 17 heroes, 16 of them are female)

It will be BarbaRend sung to the tune of:


Surely it would be Help Me Renda…


Well played Sir, well played

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