List of Ethereal Legendary Properties for Wizard

Title - is there a list of all the legendary properties available on wizard ethereals? I’d swear I had Aether Walker during PTR but no dice so far. Is my memory faulty or luck bad? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Aether Walker can spawn. I have it on a Wizardspike:

I don’t know if there’s a formal list anywhere, but on D3planner - - Diablo 3 Resource Website Season 28 if you equip a Wizard ethereal and then go to switch the legendary power on it, it lists all the options that are available. There’s 19.

Aether Walker
Cosmic Strand
Unstable Scepter
Twisted Sword
Etched Sigil
Valthek’s Rebuke
Fragment of Destiny
Serpent’s Sparker
Winter Flurry
Wand of Woh
Orb of Infinite Depth
Grand Vizier
The Furnace
Messerschmidt’s Reaver
Echoing Fury

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Thanks for the confirmation Tinne - will keep hunting :sunglasses: