Links to D2 Paladin Builds

Newer guides for multiple paladin builds from Maxroll
Diablo 2 Resurrected Character Build Guides -

Older guides
Paladin builds | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

Hammerdin | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

Auradin | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

Avenger | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

Charger | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

Cleric | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

FoHer | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

Mage (build) | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

Pindlesdin | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

Ranger (Build) | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

Smiter | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

Zealot (Build) | Diablo Wiki | Fandom

really, a zealot build that only does the fanazealot, not the burner, froster, shocker etc
and which forgets even basics like rhyme or spirit but mentions useless crap like botd

looks like nobody been doing quality control

My hope is D2R gets closer to release/post-release there will be more good links. I did not want to link to gray websites that have build guides so it cut down my options.

the good links already exist a plenty, the game has been around for 20 years+ and loads of websites have good material, especially because the game in most aspects has not been changed gameplaywise since 1.10, over 15 years ago.

why are you squeamish about grey websites, when it is the content that is interesting and not wether blizzard likes them or not?

It is Blizzard’s forum. I do not want to link to sites that may be on Blizzard’s naughty list. The diablo forum has trust levels. To date it has had about 48,000 unique logged in visitors. To post “clickable” links to any website, you need to be TL3. There are about 50 of us. I would prefer not to jeopardize that. The old rule is one forum suspension and TL3 is gone forever.

so I am not allowed to post, say links to the largest german speaking diablo 2 community which has a history of being around for ~20+ years and offers material not found elsewhere, like say the speed-., block- and skill calcs

or pages like say, the amazon basin, which also has enjoyed quite the reputation for excellence, especially when it comes to analysing the nitty gritty of the game, going into animations or monstats.txt

To post clickable links, you need to visit 50 of 100 days, probably read a couple hundred threads and 3,000 posts, and never have been forum suspended. The precise rules are subject to change and are not currently advertised to the exact specifics.

so I am not allowed to post, say links to the largest german speaking diablo 2 community which has a history of being around for ~20+ years and offers material not found elsewhere, like say the speed-., block- and skill calcs

or pages like say, the amazon basin, which also has enjoyed quite the reputation for excellence, especially when it comes to analysing the nitty gritty of the game, going into animations or monstats.txt