"LIke chaff before the wind"

My Crusader keeps telling me this and after about 4 years I still have no idea what he’s on about.

I googled “chaff” and got : “Chaff” is the dry, scaly protective casing of the seeds of cereal grains, or similar fine, dry, scaly plant material such as scaly parts of flowers, or finely chopped straw.

is this what he’s referring to?.. or is he chaffing between the legs or buttocks?.

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The mobs you’ve slain are like nothing but fodder for the fields, easily dispensed by something as simple as the wind.

What a bunch of weaklings hell has sent to stop the crusade!


Chaff is also an anti-air defence used by aircraft. Essentially, it’s a bunch of reflective material ejected from aircraft designed to confuse radar-guided weaponry (as opposed to flares being used to confuse heat seeking).

It’s light and therefore gets carried by wind easy.

My guess is the chaff before the wind refers to the monsters (chaff) just exploding due to the might of the ‘Sader (wind).

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Psalm 35:5 - Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them

Google is your friend.


Thank you, about to rail at the failure of everyone’s education system, worldwide on this one.

It’s pre biblical saying actually, probably one of the first common phrases shared by any culture worldwide (barring nomadic non agrarian types that didn’t farm) otherwise… you get a saying like this, everywhere, around the entire planet, for thousands of years

Naw brah… is like red hot ouchies in the crotch or anti pew pew from planes :roll_eyes:

To separate the good grain from the bad (seeds that had been infested with parasite/worm/rot etc) many methodologies were used by many cultures to do this ‘sorting’ sort the wheat from the chaff… etc, Where it shows up in the bible is in reference to judgment etc when the divine power of (insert preferred religious deity here) will sort the ‘good’ from the ‘chaff’ (bad undesirable seed)

Not just google is your friend. Books are too.

Read. You really have no excuses, you’re on a forum that requires reading AND writing (ok fine, keyboarding at the least) and you must write your thoughts out for others to read them to share.

If only there was a thing where people did that… shared entire vaults of knowledge this way…


A Visual aid for the process.

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Before modern technologies were used in farming, grain kernels would be tossed up into the wind causing the wind to remove the chaff with ease. It made it more efficient than manually removing it.

So basically he’s saying were are killing the enemies without breaking a sweat.


Is chaff what Thanos snapped everyone into? Or was that just ash?

Haha I love these replies and I think I get it now thank you…

Not sure what you’re smoking Arawn, I didn’t mean to offend anyone with my “simple” question.


In the REALLY old days, people used to separate wheat from the dried out husks(chaff) buy tossing baskets of it in the air. Chaff would be blown away by the wind, leaving the wheat kernels to fall back into the basket or bowl.


They still do it that way in third world countries.

Arawn’s disappointment wasn’t with the question but rather with some of the clearly incorrect responses.

Oh trust me, that was polite rant on lol