✉ Letter to David Kim (Re: System Design of Diablo IV - Part 1)

Like I said in my post. The gaming industry has changed.

If D4 doesn’t have plans for a constant revenue stream, Blizzard simply won’t spend money making it.

Pretending otherwise is pointless.

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I fully agree. It up to the dev to marry best of all worlds, even if that means you have to sacrifice in others areas.

like i say before asking our opinion is only a smoke show

90% of the player base already make video on you tube also steamer , but mr kim and is team already work on something and have a vision , you guy you will have this crap of itemlization the paragon system and all skill animation from d3 ect … you will see next beta , i find more easy personally find what i`m looking for in poe2 because the team already say they will slow down the game and monster will be harder to kill , also d2 old team always give advice too poe team and poe team really listen , i just cencel my wow classic sub,because blizzard ativision dont have much to offer me in 2020 , my best time for gaming in blizzard is the time of d1 d2 and vanilla wow , now all this is gone, enjoy your d3.5 reskin

Wow. Very good points mister.

Couldnt you apply for blizzards Div team please?

All I want is a nice Diablo game like D1/2 …

You make it seem possible to achieve.


Great response.


Haven’t even read the OP but why do you even have some sort of self-importance? Really. Just comment under the main blogpost unless you represent a group and asked a few people’s ideas on the subject. Don’t talk in the name of anyone either but opening a thread to sound any individual thought is senseless.

Kindly direct us to this “main blog post” that you mention? I for one am curious.

It’s at the main official page of Diablo 3. Click Games tab next to Blizzard logo then from the dropdown click Diablo 3 to get to the main page. Scroll down abit it’s, first one at the top, you can’t miss it.

And I completely disagree with this. People claim that this is an example of good itemization, but I think the opposite. If your old gear never gets replaced, that means that the new gear is bad.

Furthermore, there needs to be a balance between how rare things are. When you ask for pieces that last forever, what some people call horizontal progression I suppose, the developers make these items hard to obtain (because once you reach the top, a loot game is basically over). And personally, I hate horizontal progression like this because it means that although the developers add new items to the game, we don’t get to actually play with them because they are so rare.

So, unlike the popular opinion here, power creep is a good thing for a game, because it means that we get new items regularly.

Concerns about “old content” being meaningless due to power creep is a non-issue imo. D3 partially addressed this with Torment levels, the part where it failed was when they didn’t make higher Torment levels drop better gear.

Then don’t bother responding since you only seem to care about your own opinion. You’re reading into what you want to read into therefor this response says more about you than the OP.

Then please explain why Diablo 3 and WoW in it’s current state are failures when gear is easily replaced every second and why Diablo 2 was such a success and PoE has bigger numbers despite having harder to find gear.

Let’s get the correct definition of power creep here because I know there’s are HUGE misunderstanding of that word. Power creep defined PROPERLY is this.

power creep (uncountable) (collectible games , video games , role-playing games ) The situation where updates to a game introduce more powerful units or abilities, leaving the older ones underpowered.

Having bigger numbers is not an example of power creep. It’s just having bigger numbers. If you’re doing 10,000 damage vs 100,000,000 damage it doesn’t matter. They’re just numbers. Power scaling needs to stay “low” to avoid one build doing 80,000 damage and one build doing 2,00,000,000 damage like we have in Diablo 3.

And you choosing to brush over what I said about how players need to stop demanding games to be made easier while at the same time demanding more content.


So the “Diablo IV Announcement Discussion” where there are over 600 posts with varied topics such as the D4 trailer and the demo played by streamers at Blizzcon to who knows what, but it might include some of the topics discussed here? Or is it something else? I followed your instructions and I am confused about what is the “first one at the top.” Can you link it?

Sadly, no. Can’t you take a hint from this thread’s title? It says “System Design of Diablo IV - Part 1”. You can’t miss it. Good luck. It’s the latest blog post if you scroll down abit further. It’s actually right next to the Diablo IV Announcement Discussion in a frame, if you were to steer your eyes to the right. So yes, it’s at the top still where ever you may wish to understand it.

Diablo 3 being a “failure” has nothing to do with gear being easy to get. It was a “failure” because after the RMAH was closed Blizzard lost their constant revenue stream. As for WoW, I have never played it, but I think it’s safe to assume that it has brought Blizzard more money than D2 ever has.

As for PoE, that’s a different thing altogether due to having microtransactions.

D2 was a success, but the business model was completely different. If you judge D3 by the business model of D2, it was also a success, probably even more so.

When I say that power creep is good, I mean a gradual increase over time, and the game should also have mechanisms to keep older content relevant, which the Torment levels of D3 partially addressed.

I didn’t brush over it. I played FFXI for 4 years, and during that time I spent most of my 3 years of endgame doing the same content over and over, because the new content rarely introduced worthwhile rewards. I loved the game, but I simply can’t go back to something like that again.

People get tired of running the same content again and again and again. If Blizzard wants people to keep spending money on D4, regularly adding new content is indispensable.



This doesn’t fit the title of the blog post you mention, but strange I was able to make a link. I see no such post within the confines of your direction. Nothing at the top as the “first” blog or even scrolling down a bit which doesn’t make it the “first” post. So thanks anyway. I guess we’ll continue here

It does. Because if you allow players to get geared up in a single week, people get bored and leave the game since there is no journey or excitement. This plays a LARGE part in a game’s longevity.

Except this is not needed. You don’t need to increase damage numbers to create an exciting game. All you’re doing is watching numbers go up on a sheet.

You kinda did hence my response here.


And again, D3 not receiving new content has nothing to do with itemization, but rather the lack of a constant revenue flow.

And I disagree. I’ve played a game with horizontal progression before. It was fun but I don’t want to ever go through it again.

You claim that getting all your gear in one week is bad for the game. But if the items you obtain in the base game can last forever, any new content added to the game will automatically be made trivial. Do you really think that doesn’t get boring?

You don’t need to have constant revenue of content to make a good game. The gaming sphere hasn’t changed that much as people think it is has. Star Wars Fallen Order should prove that. It’s companies that keep pushing that talking point but yet… when the time comes EA allowed respawn to make a good game without MTX and it was success.

I don’t know which game you’re referring too so I can’t give my opinion on it but Guild Wars 2 has a pretty good grasp on that concept.

Nope because I don’t get my knockers off at watching me doing 500 more points of damage. But this comes down to personal opinions, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but just increasing damage values for the sake of increasing damage values is just lazy and poor game design.

Well you do if you want Blizzard to make it.

I disagree. Calling it lazy and poor game design is just a way to try and automatically dismiss it as an option.

Some people like me like getting new items to play with at a reasonable pace. Horizontal progression goes against that.

… You’re really gonna sit there and tell me that increasing numbers for the sake of increasing numbers isn’t lazy game design?

Lol, okay.

Well, look at they’re handling the legendary system. They’re using it in a way in which it alters your skills to do something different. This is horizontal progression to some degree and it’s also a damage number increase too. Cause obviously if you’re shooting out 4 fire balls at once you’re doing over all more damage but the numbers themselves aren’t really being altered.

Power creep “properly defined” is more broad than what is suggested here. It is exactly as it has been mentioned previously in that anything which is added to any game of any type that renders previous content useless/obsolete is power creep. A paraphrased definition taken from a couple search results.

Higher numbers in terms of damage/defense that make older bosses completely trivial is a perfect example of power creep.