Let us keep Ethereal items after the season

I haven’t written a forum post about D3 in a long long time, but…

TL/DR version:

Ethereal weapons are fun and awesome, they add to the game, they add to the fun, they don’t hurt anything or anyone, so let us keep them and use them in non-season as another reward for participating in this particular season.

Also, make them a permanent part of future seasons, maybe lower the drop rate or something, but I like them, I like them a lot. I like the Ethereal’s enough that I’m much more excited about and likely to participate more in future seasons, and playing in non-season mode.

The season is titled “Ethereal Memory,” help me remember them better by keeping them around, I’m getting older, my memory isn’t what it used to be.

I was sad to read that it is intended that the Ethereal weapons are supposed to vanish at season end and not transfer with everything else we have earned playing Season 24.

I want to still be able to play with them after the season in non-season mode, I don’t usually even bother playing anything but seasons; but, I likely would be more involved in that, Diablo 3, future seasons, the community and Blizzard in general in the future if Ethereal’s were allowed to stick around.

You guys on the D3 team did a FANTASTIC job with them! They are new, they are different, they add power but are also restricted because they can’t be rerolled, they are creative and add something genuinely new to a game that arguably hasn’t had anything actually all that new in a good long time.

Several people I know who haven’t played D3 in a while are getting interested again now because they are picking up on the excitement from those of us finding and using them. They have definitely made the game more fun. Something new and different to get excited about and look forward to dropping. If they aren’t made a permanent part of the game then I will definitely miss that light blue glow, more than I miss a lot of other things.

Ethereal items are so good in fact that it would be a shame, no, a tragedy if they were a single season only item, just a gimmick that vanishes into the nothing. Yea, I get that it was the point when they were first created, they are ethereal and vanish into the ether eventually. But, keep the good stuff around, especially the really really good stuff that nearly everyone likes. You guys on the D3 team did too good of a job on these items to let them just be a temporary thing.

Good show, look at me, all excited about and enjoying Diablo again! Don’t disappoint me after making me so happy. Make these Ethereal Items a permanent part of the game!


Do you have another (hidden) account? Because what you have achieved on your American can easily be done without ethereals… and with just as much (or even more) fun.

You have 0 posts. And we had too much post asking this already. Deal whit it. The seson theme is only for seson. Period.


This subject has been talked to death. How many times must it be repeated that it’s not going to happen?

The very reason why they seem fun and awesome is because they are so ridiculously overpowered. However in the end they add absolutely nothing else than power creep. No added diversity or anything similar, it’s just more power creep. That’s a reason enough to get rid of them. As a temporary power boost they work great but they should really stay as temporary.

Stop beating this dead horse already. It’s been shipped to the glue factory.


And it’s not necessary to post about Shards with the same “idea” in some months.

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No, you can’t keep them.


A little addition I just remembered:

Some people don’t seem to realize the damage these ethereals would make to itemisation if they were made permanent. They’d replace an entire item pool as equipped items. Basically all normal legendary weapons, whether base quality, ancient or primal, would be worthless compared to ethereals and thus be instasalvage.

Also 2 piece weapon sets would also become instasalvage.

The introduction of primals was idiotic enough, let’s not make things worse.


For me, they pretty much are anyway except for Bul-Kathos.

Paired Blades are OK… but I really don’t like Shenlong, the Pony flail/shield, or the Jesseth stuff. Oh, and Danetta (crossbows?) are mostly meh, too. Never really found a use for them.

That’s just me, though. Others use the Paired Blades for pushing on a lot of builds so they’re still cool… I just don’t like them.

It is always going to be the trolls, and they naysayers, and the “I don’t want power creep,” and the blah blah who pop in and say, “No can’t have it”… don’t care much about you people, or your opinions. Unless you have a valid reason and some debate as to why NOT to keep them, then just don’t bother commenting. Go back to Twitter and play kinderland blah blah with the Twits there, where they care about things that are actually worthless and pointless.

What have I accomplished, doesn’t matter, not relevant IMO, the Ethereals make the game more fun for me, and all the other people apparently asking to keep them around too.

I don’t show any forum posts because it has been THAT long since I’ve even cared enough about the game, or much anything Blizzard, to post anything. At some point the forums apparently got wiped or old posts deleted, or similar. Doesn’t matter.

Both points, if they even qualify as such, are just fallacy argument BS, my opinion and what I want out of the game is no less relevant than anyone else’s, no matter how much I have posted on the forums, or rolled the leaderboards, or not.

6 replies at the time of this reply, and only Kirottu contributed anything relevant. I don’t agree, but at least it actually qualifies as valid debate.

My reply to those points is that this game is a decade old, and these Ethereals have contributed to the most fun I’ve had with the game in a good long while. If anyone actually cares about non-season leaderboards anymore, then make with/without Ethereals boards, simple solution. Raise the cap on GR’s so people could push further. Itemization isn’t that hard to balance with them, and it isn’t like anyone is all that affected except for leaderboards, there is no PvP or concurrent competitive play or anything. If you want to be a “no power creep” or other type of purist then don’t use them, it is that easy. Some simple solutions to itemization would be to upgrade some of the would be now outdated legendaries, make some two piece ethereal sets, etc. Who really cares if they do get outdated, I don’t, there are plenty of legendries in the game now that still drop that are worth nothing more than mats the instant they spawn because they got replaced by better loot.

A little power creep is good, great if it keeps things interesting and fun. I’ve never understood that argument, the logic does not compute in my brain; what is wrong with something new and more powerful every once in a while, especially in a game that is all about playing repeated content over and over in the hopes of finding better stuff
Obviously no one wants an “I WIN!” button either as that is no fun, but that isn’t what Ethereals are either, there are plenty of sets on this season’s leaderboards that didn’t make it to GR 150, even with them.

I remember when this game first came out and how terrible it was before the Jay Wilson got exorcised from my beloved demon franchise and it eventually evolved into something good. There were plenty of people at that time posting on the forums about “the game was just fine, stop complaining, stop beating a dead horse, Blizz isn’t going to change/fix it,” etc. Blah, flippity, blah. mmmm hmmmm

About the last time I posted on the forums I believe it was about how at the time Blizz really seemed to be falling for and catering to the ideas of the very vocal and minor minority who spent much more of their time complaining and pushing for bad changes, as far as actual majority and popularity and fun, on the forums than ever playing the game. Since that time, for one example, WoW subs are down by a factor 10’ish, Blizz rarely lets out that data anymore and uses creative counting, like counting the same person logging into say Hearthstone and Wow as cumulative active users to help make shareholder reports look better.

Have they learned a lesson from this? Idk, but at some point it is the bottom line, the dollars is what matters to a business, and an actual playing and paying majority makes tons more money than the vocal minority.

This time it seems that it is much more than a minority opinion wanting to keep the Ethereals around. Those of you in my corner, keep beating that horse, be vocal, be heard, this pony is entirely virtual, and it ain’t dead until everyone stops feeding it. Blizzard does listen sometimes, especially to the most vocal and persistent.

So, Ethereals, I don’t see any significant harm with keeping them in the game, and it is more fun with them. In the short and long view that is the most important thing all inclusive, feelings to finances, that’s what matters most in games, how fun is it?

The game is more fun with Ethereal Items, so keep them.

Getty’up’horsey, ya ain’t dead yet buddy!!

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K. What ever.



Having a bad attitude doesn’t help.

What your account shows is quite relevant. With only two level 70 heroes you haven’t experienced a fraction of what the game offers today… including a fraction of what the game offers without the ethereals. Next season will even offer better opportunities than what ethereals give.


Yeah, I see, only 1 post.

Troll detected.

Move to next one.

If they kept them in the game, then all other weapons would be trash. We would only have 3 options for weapons. Not going to happen.

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They should just add a permanent 4th slot (in Cube) only occupied by an ethereal.

Problem solved.

Allright, we can’t keep them. Should we salvage it before the season ends or they will salvage itself?

Salvage them before season ends; if you do not, they are deleted without any “reward.”

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You have to salvage them. Otherwise they just get deleted.

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You can keep them the only catch is you have to find all 20 of them at the end of the season. Also each one has to be one copy of the name. There’s a blog post about this.

The only thing you can keep on non-season is transmogs when you found the 21 Ethereals.
That’s all.

Yes, there’s a blog post about this already lol.