Legendary items without legendary power

I like this idea… Even if it was limited to just the grandfather… If using one you may use a second in your off hand… Dual wielding two handers would feel pretty awesome and wouldn’t break much as there would be no other powers going.

Some of these legendaries have had no legendary power for their entire existence. At the rate Blizzard are adding new legendaries, it may well take 5 to 10 years for them to complete this list.

They can make inroads by copy-pasting existing legendary powers and adapting them to skills of other classes. While there are some that already do this, there could easily be many more.


  • Fury of the Vanished Peak
    Reduces the Fury cost of Seismic Slam by 50% and increases its damage by 458%. (Barbarian Only) [400 - 500]%

How about make one for a Wizard Wand that applies the same effect to Meteor or a Ceremonial Knife that does the same for Acid Cloud? (Presuming they don’t already exist)

  • Warstaff of General Quang
    Tempest Rush gains the effect of the Tailwind rune. (Monk Only)

This effect could easily apply to virtually any rune of any skill of any class. Some items could have 2 or more runes.

This shouldn’t be hard to do unless the game is so poorly coded that they have to rewrite large sections of it just to make one simple change.

Holy Beacon

Reduces the cooldown of Epiphany by 50% and grants every rune.

While Epiphany is active you deal 80%-100% increased damage.


Well there is a lot of option that we can Talk about. Anyway since they add this patch Echoing Fury as strong option weapon for many builds (Like It was in Vanilla), i’ll say i’d like to see another strong legendary item from Vanilla, like Mempo, Skorn…

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Here is one I put together that has those, although I left out Wirt’s Leg, the Staff of Herding, and Spectrum, and I didn’t list the levels for the crafted items.

~D3 2.6.6+ Legendaries - Google Sheets

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Checked your spreadsheet and some items already have legendary powers (even if most of them are completely useles like The Paddle, The Pig Sticker or Cluckeye etc.), but Hellcat Waistguard isn’t, it’s used in rapidfire LoN, LoD build…

Won Khim Lau, to make lighting monks good again. Perhaps even in combination with another item to have a good synergy together. I loveeee lighting skills.

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If you like lightning so much why don’t come up with a legendary power for Won Khim Lau?

That’s the whole point of this thread. You’re limited by your imagination only…

I wanna see Nailbiter or, what’s that legendary Club… Yea, either of those would be good to see with powers. Since I get them all the time. Also, I’d like to see every legendary without a legendary power be removed from the item pool, but then this game wouldn’t cater to the people without jobs so I can see why most of you no lifes would have an issue with that.

I guess the reason why they’re still in game is for Blizz to have anything “new” to add for next season (season 19, 20 etc). They’ll probably just add legendary powers to 3 or 4 items from the list, so we could have an illusion that they didn’t abandon the game and actually do something for us…

Hmm problem is there are almost no good lighting support things.

How about seven sided strike - sudden assault now does damage to each target instead of damage to 7 targets.
Each target hit reduces the cooldown of seven sided strike by 2 seconds.

It will still need to keep his lighting suffix.

While we are at it. Odyn son, with 2 lighting weapons equiped your chain lighting is increased by 5000 %.

Odyn Son already has a legendary power, maybe try a weapon from the list that doesn’t? :wink:

Yeah ok but it is so weak :D… And so cool.

Obviously it’s Thors weapon ^_-

I’ll bite…
Skorn - changed to mighty weapon, 300 to 500 CHD, CHD is a legendary power all of it’s own.

I think 250% CHD is actually a reasonable power. Thats about…50% more damage?

Wish for the stars, plan for something less.

Besides I love to see 100’s of threads about how overpowered Barbs have become.

Wizards are OP and I barely see any thread about them at least in general forum and if there are any they’re getting forgotten pretty fast or maybe even deleted…

Anyway all classes should be overpowered they’re nephalem after all…

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Yes, Hellcat is highlighted with the note that the affix just isn’t listed on the Diablo 3 Game Guide site.

And the others you noted also have notes that call out that their affix is Fluff.

Yeah I noticed that weird “fluff” affix, but didn’t get it…