Does the attributes of “Legendary Gems” (the one that can be socketed into jewelry) apply to your character when a “Follower” has it equipped???
To clarify, here is an example:
If I use the “Scoundrel Follower” and my character that I am using is a “Wizard”, does the attributes of the “Legendary Gems” socketed into the “Scoundrel Follower’s” rings and/or necklaces apply to my character as well or are those attributes confined to the wearer only (The “Follower”)???
Legendary gems have no effect when equipped on a Follower. They’re basically empty gem sockets.
Short answer - no.
Longer answer - Legendary gems don’t work on followers to begin with (except for Esoteric Alteration & Mutilation Guard) but even then it doesn’t carry over to you.
Gem of Ease can be used by followers in weapons.
Google is your friend.
Leg gems don’t emenate so no.
Ironic that Google brought me here
Welcome to the forum UncleFester.
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This part (at the very top of the search results page)?
Followers do not benefit from Legendary Gems equipped on them except Esoteric Alteration & Mutilation Guard. This is extremely useful to help them survive in speed content and use a token that gives Follower all skills or halves its Cooldowns.
Which is what I posted above, almost a year ago.
Also note worthy to say, if you’re running a pet build, Enforcer also helps your follower.
Actually not the very top of the page, but you’re number 3
Your Google settings must be different than mine. Mine shows it at the very top, above the search results list:
Gems will only drop at character level 70, but have no level requirement and can be used by any character on that account. Legendary Gems can be equipped by a follower, but have no effect .
Actually. the third search result just sends you to this page - it does not answer the question.