Looking at your Armory Profile, you have 2 non-Season Characters. A Level 70 (340) Witch Doctor and a Level 7 (340) Necromancer on the Americas Region. Neither one of them have Legendary Gems equipped.
Note: When reporting bugs related to game mechanics, proper testing should be performed. And merely equipping certain items and looking at your Character’s Details sheet is part of, but not a complete way to test game mechanics. As League stated, some stats will display on the Details sheet if they’re additive. But, many stats are multiplicative and are not calculated into the Details. Also, depending on the items you equip, many items and/or Skills, Passive and Active, only activate under certain conditions. Like hitting, damaging or killing enemies. Again, this will depend on whether they’re additive or multiplicative.
You did not state which Character you were playing or which Legendary Gems you equipped. So, there’s no way of knowing what you’re referring to. Including screenshots and videos of an issue is very helpful.
When we post a bug report, Blizzard’s QA Team reads it. If they can reproduce it they will fix it. So, providing as much information as possible on the issue is very important.