Latest Patch Causes My Windows Task Bar To Appear In The Game

Latest Patch Causes My Windows Task Bar To Appear In The Game ?


It was not doing that before.

I do not want a windows task bar inside my game.

Hey Zeppelin,

This is the first I’m hearing of the issue. Does the Windows task bar show up in both Fullscreen and Windowed (Fullscreen) modes?

Have you tried restarting the PC since updating the game? Sometimes task bar showing up over the top of the game can indicate issues with explorer.exe, and either restarting that process or restarting the PC can clear it up.

my bad , another software was causing it, please erase message

Techies like to know what fixed stuff, in case the problem is reported again by someone else so what was the software that was causing the problem?

ever since your latest patch/update i’ve had a hellacious time connecting. i can play a hero for awhile, then i have disconnection. some heroes i cant even get in to play

yes this bug is thoroughly game breaking I don’t run full only windowed full and the taskbar makes this unbearable to stomach

Hey JWR03KF9,

Usually if the Windows taskbar is displaying over the top of the game it indicates a problem with Windows or another program is causing it.

See if restarting the PC clears it up. You can also try switching to Windowed and then back to Windowed Fullscreen.

In case another program in the background is causing it, try closing background applications

Going to lock this thread due to age, but if you’re still having trouble feel free to create a new thread.