Last Seal on Altar is broken

The last seal at the bottom of the altar requires 1500 BS Despite having 1500 BS it still won’t let me click it to sacrifice them. This seems to be an ongoing problem with the altar working for some people and not others. There is no reason for not being able to click something in the tree to sacrifice when you have the required items anyone can clearly see from the picture I have 1500 BS which means I’m supposed to be able to click the bottom one to get sacrifice highlighted so I can do it.

Just to be clear, I am talking about the one at the very bottom of the altar tree that reads:
When a primal item drops, a second random primal drops as well

https:// freeimghost. net/i/Altar-Last.yLOrC
(Sorry for the spaced out link but I’m not allowed to post links for some reason)

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I know where bug reports go. Ever stop to realize that this topic isn’t me reporting a bug, it’s me letting people know who DO NOT read the bug section of the forum and can’t do it, that it’s broken.

You people are so narrow minded with the intent of someone’s post.

Bugs with the alter requirements not being recognized have been reported. It seems to work and then not work, intermittently. As that is a critical element of the season to come, it seems important to get it working correctly.

However, the only way this will be seen by anyone who has any care about it is in the PTR section(s) since that is the only place devs (actually probably the forum police to report to the devs) will look.


Not a bug : the last seal is activated only once you activated the rest. You are currently at step 22, you need to activate 5 more items before getting to the last seal. The last step requires 1600 bloodshards btw.


I have my :popcorn: ready for the reply.


That seal doesn’t require any items to sacrifice. If you have broken all of the other seals, then you can break that one for free. Even though the design is crap, you can see in your image that you have several seals not yet broken.

It’s easier for folks to use your link if you do it like this (highlight the link and click the preformatted text button:

Embedding that for you…

Now, pay attention to the yellow areas I’ve highlighted on it…

The final node at the bottom of the altar requires that you’ve enabled all of the other nodes first. So, whilst you have sufficient bloodshards for the next node, it needs to be for one of the ones I’ve highlighted in yellow which are nodes you have not yet enabled. Once they’re all enabled, you can click the bottom one on for double-primals and your wings.

Great, except this isn’t a bug.


Another well researched and thoughtful post…


Sometimes all you need to fix a bug is reading the patchnote…


I see TXan is up to form this week. Angry and posting before thinking… As usual.

Anyone offering a sensible reply gets attacked. Kinda sad really.

Many have tried to explain this to them without much success.

Game on.


The mechanics of the altar are… let’s be kind and say “clunky”. I always got it to work but it wasn’t always clear what I needed to do to make it work. Sometimes I’d click on what I thought was a valid seal and nothing happened. Then I noticed I needed an Ancient Puzzle not just a Puzzle ring or the item I need was in my chest not my inventory. Some times it pulls items from your stash, other times you need to have it in your inventory. If this was going to be a new feature for several years I’d be more critical. But it’s mostly just paying really close attention and realizing you probably are missing something. So “mediocre UI experience” but the benefits for playing the game with it? Whoa… totally going to be a great season. Looking forward to it.


The altar interface feels very much like a first draft but new things like that often do on their first iteration of the PTR.

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I agree and I also am welcoming the unexpected attention to D3. Very welcome indeed! Looks like Season 28 will be a fun one! Good - I need a distraction while waiting for D4 open beta time which will come in time.

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Nothing to see here. User ERROR. Please move along.

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The Altar of Rites worked fine for me. I even finished the Season Journey.  

Of course, when Season 28 goes Live, I DO NOT look forward to grinding for the Gibbering Gemstone or the Never Ending Questions. (THANK YOU, Djank Mi’em!   )


Why do dh’s have to look like drag queens?

Because they are not barbarians?

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It’s so wrong i actually can’t play it anymore. Barbarians look a bit like Guldar though. Roll on D4.