Large numbers and damage shown: what started it?

Was just pondering about the large damage numbers and how you can enable the game to show what damage your dealing to mobs. What started this trend? I think I honestly first started seeing this myself in WoW or maybe WC3? Just remember seeing these huge damage numbers when I was used to D2 and showing no numbers and the damage was in the hundreds, not trillions.

Was there another game that became popular that did this and it became a fad?

I really hope they tone down the over the top numbers for D4. D3 has gotten out of hand with all the constant buffs, buffs, and even more buffs, just to make some of the kiddies happy.


Agreed. There really is no reason why we should be hitting in the trillions and quadrillions and gazillions and cotillions :flushed:. Is it any wonder the game lags at times? With 1000s of players on at any given time, those numbers have got to be wreaking havoc on the servers. Unless Blizzard is running Cray supercomputers, which they aren’t.


Everquest 2 had floating damage numbers and that pre-dated WoW by months.

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