Lag Issues - need help <3

Hey everyone :wink:

I joined late for current D3 season, and i quite frankly enjoy it alot! However, it seems like every day after 1600 central EU-Time the server gets super unstable? i get major lag-spikes, some last for 20+ seconds. During the day there is no problem, and my MS is between 25 and 35, however in the evning it spikes to 200, which aint ideal for HC :wink:

Anyone got a simular problem, or know how i can fix it?

Im sitting on a 1000/1000 m/bit and D3 is the only game i have a problem with.

Best regards

Thereā€™s a couple of things to always check.

The biggie is wireless connection or hardline? D3 (and other Blizzard titles) often gets really funny when played over wireless. Something about the way they handle dropped/out of order packets is my guess.

Next you might benefit from using a proxy (or not using one). Depending on your location the pings to from the EU servers (which IIRC are in Brussels) could vary with network conditions. You might find a VPN could help with that. Or, conversely, if youā€™re using one switch the hosting locale.

For what itā€™s worth I play on NA and EU extensively and Iā€™m in southern Mexico and donā€™t use a proxy for EU. Though when I lived in the Baja I found it was helpful.

It is more the route that it takes to the server. I live on the east coast of the USA. The server is on the west coast. 99% of the time it has nothing to do with the server.

I just this year after over 12yrs playing on the USA server. Plus in those 12 yrs I have really no lag. I have been playing on the Europe server just to try it. I have really no lag.

If it is like any server it is in all the connections you have going to that server. Here in the USA I have on avg 18 hops till I get to the server. I have some times up to 35 hops.

On the wireless part it is how far your computer or laptop in from the router. I have more than one account. So there is times I play both accounts. One on the computer that hard wire. The other on the laptop that is wireless. There both play the same with no lag.

That could be a few things at that time. You could have more people at that time on the internet, in your area or some place down the line. It could even be your internet company cutting back the speed at your time too.


Like when all the kids get home from school and crack open their devices to log on to Diablo: Immortal? Very definitely noticeable where I live. Whatever happened to kids playing outside? Losers. :eyes: :laughing:


Those are long gone. They play on the cell phones donā€™t have time with outside LOL.


Donā€™t forget all of the people who have dropped cable and are now streaming TV.

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Donā€™t forget the ones that go outside and play on mobile devices.

Isnā€™t that the point of having ā€œmobileā€ devices?

(Sittinā€™ on the steps, walkinā€™ down the street, ridinā€™ on the busā€¦)

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