Ladder Runewords

When the ladder season ends, the ladder runewords go to non-ladder anyway. The items end up there after season 1. So I don’t get all the complaining?

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I think it’s about the race to get them because if you’re close to making the L-O runeword and the ladder season ends well… SoL

With this change, it won’t make a difference, you’ll have all the time you need.


What did you have in mind, eXe? Maybe some free stuff?? New Runewords??? New Cube Recipes???


Idk to be honest… Nothing to dramatically change the gameplay. Maybe skins or more things for us to do like holiday events? A cube recipe to add skins to your items included

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How big percentage of people will race to 99? In today gaming culture it will be vanishingly small amount. Hell, in D2 right now ladder is dominated by fraction of player base and on D2R base will be larger, so even less people can race.

Ladder was usually fueled by non-ladder people grinding to get some spirits and insights for sell on non-ladder after reset. Fresh economy is a myth, things like d2jsp proved that in the past. “But I won’t use it!” - yeah but economy is not driven by you, if you’re one to collect most things yourself (I like doing that) it doesn’t matter to you. If you’re trading then real “fresh” economy isn’t a thing. Is economy on new ladder better than non-ladder? Maybe it is. But is it as people say “fresh”? Not even close.

I personally feel absolutely no reason to fire up ladder now, no incentive since only difference is leaderboards I am not even remotely interested in. Why bother? Especially people with 10 hours a week to play won’t look at ladder. If you keep restrictions maybe they will. At one point I was such a player and met quite a few others.

On single player - yeah sure, it should’ve always been allowed. On BN I think it’s going to impact ladder players negatively.

PS: I feel like this is one of the “newgamer” changes people are pushing. This is not dramatic change, but small changes can really add up.


How would it negatively impact ladder players, exactly? They are still able to do exactly the same things they could before. Nothing changes for them.


Playing ladders could add personal/shared stash tabs and/or additional char slots?
Could be a great option to get players into the “new” type of ladder without LO-RW.
Maybe with an additional HR drop chance within the (shortened) ladder?

If number of people who play ladder decreases then people who do are going to be impacted.

i would play ladder in d2r but 3 months with it’s super duper low drop rates is just to short imo. with runewords and other such being put into NL, there really is no good reason to play seasons. i hope they put in some sort of incentive no matter how small.

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Maybe have some cosmetic items in ladder as incentive.
As in, same items as non-ladder, but a few of the rarest items each ladder period, could have a different color, or even item model, allowing people to “show off” that they found a rare item in a specific ladder period.

I’m probably in the minority here, but I would like if they added in new rune words every ladder season.

Or even add in rune words that were previously removed from the game in older updates. Just to mix things up.

Every season just boiled down to the same builds using the same items. It would be nice if we got some weird items to mix things up a bit.

I know the game is pretty much solved at this point, but it would be fun to have more to work with every season.

Totally understand where you’re coming from but I’m not entirely sold to this idea solely because with that, we are changing mechanics. If they are going to be providing support post launch for the next 10 years this may be an option. However, on launch I have to respectfully disagree.

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Up until recently I didn’t think this way. I guess it’s just the small list of rune words we have could be better. I know a few runes are very under used.

It would be cool to see a version of leaf for the other elements. But I guess stuff like that may also lessen the value of other unique items.

Well leaf itself is so strong and easy to make it just too good early. Problem with frost is that you won’t fix it’s powerlevel in the early game by any sensible runeword, up to blizzard frost spells are just too weak. Lightning doesn’t need a help as is, it’s still the most efficient element for that period of the game. And fire keeps up because of leaf. You’d have to nerf leaf first and then change bunch of other things.

New runewords would be fun, given they are made with careful consideration and skillfully placed into the game and I don’t see that happening. Blizzard have terrible record balancing RPG elements (I don’t say games cause SC2 is damn good) so I’d like to pass on that.

But this:

Maybe have some cosmetic items in ladder as incentive.
As in, same items as non-ladder, but a few of the rarest items each ladder period, could have a different color, or even item model, allowing people to “show off” that they found a rare item in a specific ladder period.

Is not that bad idea, but maybe not for every season cause there will too much and it will just get watered down, but ladder items having different look from those on non-ladder might be incentive to some people? Still doesn’t fix the issue in my opinion, but I guess it’s step in right direction.


while this is true, in vanilla d2, it isn’t nearly as good as it was in the d2r beta: firewall, for instance, is much wider. in the original d2, it’s basically 1 pixel wide and it isn’t nearly as effective. i tested this with a mock up run right after beta was shut down and man did i struggle, especially in act 2. what is decent is using a lightning build early on and then once past 24-30, perhaps use a cold set up instead.

so, ya, in the beta with 2 act restrictions using leaf was super OP for sure but not so much in vanilla. i am curious if the firewall width was a bug or they just decided to buff it for some reason. if this does not change, it looks like fire will be one of if not the best starter builds to level up with and leaf will really power that up big time.

anyways, i do think adding ladder specific stuff you NL and SP which is great for those players who enjoy those settings…but i for one will probably skip that unless some sort of incentive is added to play it: with this change there is none which is a shame imo.

Well fire on fire ball was also great transitioning build that you didn’t even have to respec to play later, just transition into meteorb for example. So leaf in OG D2 was still just too good.

I don’t like idea of adding new runewords just because I have no faith in Blizzard whatsoever and I’d expect them to blow it and either add useless stuff (it would be fine, just trash to be ignored) or break the game (not that fine, I came here for D2 and not broken shell).

i for one will probably skip that unless some sort of incentive is added to play it: with this change there is none which is a shame imo.

And what you said is basically my bottom line: no incentive to play ladder will drive some people away reducing ladder population, which can negatively impact those who do.

Do not mind the ladder runewords…if the new ladder will have new items or some other reason to play it or they might as well save a few bucks and forget about the ladder altogether. And if they do not add anything it is just going to effectively split the playerbase up half will be on non ladder half be on ladder.

That happens regardless, and is not a problem.

Let people play ladder because they like ladder. There should be no bribes for doing so.
Ladder on its own is still a very meaningful feature, allowing for fresh starts/economy.

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everyone crying over a ladder, that isn’t needed because the launch is a ladder, someone just needs to create a table and compete. consider the end the date of the start of the first ladder.

everyone crying over getting to use runewords from day one, surely they just add some new ones for the ladder?

people are being triggered over nothing.

Does not happen if there is no ladder. And yeah a few may stay in normal if they add new gear or activities to ladder but would not be many and nowhere near a split.
Would not even need to be new activities how about a ladder that raises all the area levels of an act to 85 and the super uniques 90-99 so we have stuff to level up on that isnt the worldstone chamber. Or a Rift type event you can do as a group and do not have to make a game every minute or two I am sure the overheated blizzard servers would thank you for the break.