Do we have any estimate on when the ladder will launch?
How long do we have to wait after the launch on the 23rd?
Do we have any estimate on when the ladder will launch?
How long do we have to wait after the launch on the 23rd?
Just enjoy the gameplay. Ladder is overrated now in 2021.
That’s not the topic. Thanks for your input.
They said shortly after launch. We can only speculate about what shortly means for them… My guess is a few weeks.
(we can only speculate anyway)
Maybe they beasically wait for a ladder period before starting the first ladder^^
They said that they will notify everyone after launch, but in September, so I am guessing that Ladder will start in October maybe?
Looking for a ladder reset on day one, when there is nothing to reset? Is there something I’m missing. We already got ladder only items, clone, ubers and I’m sure we will get to see a list of the current high level characters on bnet aswell.
I think the issue is the start of the first ladder, as a reset happens after the last, but there must of course be a first ladder start. We won’t know for sure until after launch, Rod made a statement on Twitter in regards to ladder, we will be informed this month for sure, but I am guessing that the ladder will start in October. I’d certainly be dissappointed if it started a day or even a week after launch, as it’d feel like the launch char was wasted.
We serious with this Blizzard?
Can we get a damn date? Even a rough estimate? We need to know!
What are you missing in ladder?
The first 99’s will always be players who have more time on there hands.
I really think they should add another leaderboard each ladder inspired by loot hunting, which is what the game is about. Most high runes found. Most rare uniques found. I think that would be cool.
2-3 weeks PTO will be good for me.
They want to make sure there are no bugs that weren’t caught in alpha/beta and that servers are stable before doing a ladder, so it is unlikely that we will have a date for the ladder before launch.
I rather it be 2months after, why have 2 fresh economy around same time?
If this is 2 months after launch I think I am going to focus on Fresh instead of D2.
Yeah, to me, the actual launch is the day ladder starts. For that I consider it just like a public test realm. Will still be fun, but not ladder. I imagine they just want to see how the servers are. I wouldn’t be surprised to see ladder start the following week.
You have as much information as everybody else about it
Yup. That’s the entire point of this thread. Hopefully Blizzard will actually do their fans a favor and give them some info.
in a tweet i read blizz said (paraphrased): “once we launch we will let you know when ladder will open in September”
so they appear to be planning for a September launch of ladder–so within one week of launch
Never probably, or when they do it won’t matter because it’s pointless and ruined now.