Ladder 1 Start Date

Hi Guys/Blizz Team,

I have read somewhere that Ladder wont be coming on Day 1.

In a game such as Diablo 2 it would just not make any sense to play if the ladder will actually start on a different day than launch. This way you will only divide the player base for absolutely no reasons. Rather have a ladder 0 and 4 months later ladder 1.

The absolute minority are focused on reaching level 99 and I understand that server downtimes may hurt them but this way you are kind of hurting everyone.

I understand they may be issues during launch but that is the same for all games that are being released.

Most of us don’t have enough time to play from the start and then couple weeks later start all over again. I am now older, have a family and job… So the player base that D2 used to have is now also older and may also not have the time to start d2r twice.

What are others take of this?

Thumbs up so this reaches Blizz please.




I prefered playing ladder but i don’t plan on replaying 2 weeks of farm or more. So i may go non ladder instead since economy will be fresh on both and wait for season 2.


Blizzard have made their decision already. All that can be done, is to wait for an official time ETA on when ladder comes. Hopefully it’s only going to be a two to three week duration of a wait.

The player base is older - many of us probably played D2 right when it came out. I have RL obligations now that of course I didn’t have then, and am sure this applies to many posters here.

But the reason they aren’t doing ladder at launch has been clearly stated: they want to ensure smooth gameplay/experience before the first ladder. How does delaying the ladder affect you here? In your example, how would you do Ladder 2 if you used ‘all your time’ on Ladder 1?

Who is “most of us” ? The three people on your friends list?
So what you are saying is that you have responsibilities in life and are not able to play games such as D2. Sorry, that must suck. Personally I have plenty of time to play games and I have no problem with starting non ladder and then starting over a few weeks later.

no it serves a very important reason this is a new game (i know, i know, but its 21 years old :angry: but it is a new game built from an old game) the server infrastructure is entirely different from bnet 1.0 and they are expecting issues as you do with any new game launch.

rather than having a ladder they have to reset a week or month after it starts because “it was not a fair start we got locked out” or “my game kept crashing or i would have been top of ladder RESET NOW” and thousands of other excuses for why they have to restart the season because of bugs, glitches or log in lines.

They just want to release the game polish out any of the bugs with the new systems to a sufficient level and then release ladder.

this ^^ . I remember one ladder season where the rolling restarts happened for about a day and a half. We got set back to level 1 like 5 times because of people taking advantage of bugs.

Yea, like that one Ladder season start when all Non-Ladder items became available on Ladder because it showed the Non-Ladder characters as Ladder characters when it reset, lol! What a time that was! :smiley:

The issue of having ladder on launch:

  • Possibility of players losing characters due unstable connection or issues on client/server side, either on hardcore or softcore.
  • Possibility of some performance issues at launch on both client and servers.
  • The huge burden at same time making folks even unable to play day 1. On d3 when a new season starts for several minutes up to 3 hours of folks having poor experience, by example.
  • Less folks starting at same time, creating several characters and effectivelly stressing their database on day one.
  • Gauge properly the amount of resources needed to run stable at launch and scalate properly for address any potential issue on ladder launch.

Before we had several bnet realms, now we have one. So the player base even being split on non-ladder and ladder wouldn’t mean anything. Also the un-gated stuff from ladder would mean only folks interested play ladder would effectivelly play it.

If they follow the pattern as d3, they would inform about 1st ladder season with some time to spare, my bet would be most likely about 1-3 months after release of d2r.

D3 had roughly 5 months and D2 had roughly 2 years. While the time between seasons could be short or longer based on any ptr needs.

What’s it matter? If you want to play ladder play ladder. Sounds like majority of play these days is just everyone MFing on their own anyway right?

Blizzard really should announce when they plan to start ladder 1.

Maybe this will just be unofficial ladder 0, and then in 3 months they start ladder 1. That would make some sense. No reason for people to wait for ladder 1 then.

That would be pretty bad even without ladder…

I dont see any issue here. It doesnt really matter when the ladder starts. I guess blizzard will start the ladder when they believe everything seems to be stable and without bugs.
What is the problem, just start a character in nonladder and when ladder starts you have fresh restart with everyone else. Dont argue with “im wasting my time” … you are “wasting” your time anyways in this game

Yeah, would be. But addressable, think about several hours without being able to play with certain char.

On Beta already had that happening for some folks.

For ladder can be dealbreaker. While non-ladder could also be but knowing that you could access the char after some time could be bearable. On ladder your time it’s running out and lost your window of opportunity if was like being on countess farm or boss killing.

It’s a smart choice. Because they will only know how it will go when they launch. It’s annoying but it’s better than deal with ladder complaints for at least 1-3 days, maybe a week.

The game is a fresh launch so a fresh economy, Ladder items are not restricted to ladder only anymore. When ladder resets occur, characters get saved as non ladder…How is this any different from playing ladder? It will be different after the first ladder reset, but now, it’s 100% identical, so why are you complaining?

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Clearly you didn’t play Diablo 2 much

Definetly not as much as others, but i still have a couple of 99s and i definetly try to value my free time.