Kyoshiro rerolling

Found a Primal Kyoshiro while playing Uliana…
It rolled:

Max elemental damage
Area Damage

What should I roll off (DEX or RCR) and for what (CDR or 10%DMG)?
What is your opinion?


Depends on your paragon.

I can’t see your characters, so I’m guessing you moved to console?

I would change RCR to CDR or LoH depending on your needs.

CDR = Enough for perma Epiphany w/zodiac ring.

LoH = One roll on one weapon is enough.

If you are super high paragon (5k+) it might be better to swap DEX instead, especially if you are using Cpt Crimson too.

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I’d love it like that. Dex for whatever but never 10% dmg (its 5 in real since you have 2 wpn). I’d take loh or cdr. Ok, with 10k para you can roll 10% dmg (but its not optimal for most of us)