Key binding for "Windowed" mode gone?

Key Binding option to toggle Windowed/Fullscreen is gone. Is there a way to bring it back?
Before recent patch it was command+m


I noticed this also. Suddenly decades of muscle memory no longer works. However, there is a slight plus side in that you can adjust the brightness of your screen without exiting full screen (windowed)mode.

I now believe this change is positive because you can now more easily exit the full screen (Windowed) mode in two ways:

(Command - Tab): to view your active applications. To cycle through active apps keep Command pressed down and then press Tab.

(F3) to get all open windows. Then select (with mouse) the desired window.

However, I can see how HC players may hate this new F3 feature because you can accidentally hit the F3 key and suddenly reveal many open windows. So closing/hiding all open windows except your diablo screen can help.