Keep which Vyr Armor?

For years and years, i have been using this Ancient Vyr Armor:
Int 640
*Vit 643 (rolled)
Reduce Damage from Elites 10%
Poison Resistance 180
Reduce damage from Melee 7%

While playing around with Typhon I found this Primal:
Reduce damage from range attacks

Should I roll out:
a) VIT in favor of Reduce Damage From Elites
b) Physical in favor of Reduce Damage From Melee attacks

I was thinking of keeping the Armor; I can get VIT elsewhere but not Armor.

Your opinion?


Vit is important for wizards. Some shields, that you have, are based on your total health, so having a large pool of life buffs your shield too (like galvanizing ward, or magic weapon - deflection, for example), hence more survivability and easier to protect the squirts amulet buff. The primal that you’ve got looks very nice. I would personally keep it as it is. Physical resistance as a secondary is very good. If you have lots of paragon I guess you can change Vit to reduce damage from elites, and then allocate some points into vitality from paragons. The armor also is a must have, since you are an intelligence class, you get all resistances from main stat but have low armor because there is no strength or dexterity on your gear. Always keep armor on boots, pants, chest, and belt.

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