Kanai's Cube Diablo 3

Ancient has a yellow/gold border and is better stats than normal legendary items. Primal Ancients have a red border and have max stats.

Those are the cube slots for powers. There is one for weapon power, one for armor power, and one for jewelry power. You can only have one of each active at any time. Those powers are gained using page 1, extract legendary power.

Ancient Legendary items have affix ranges approximately 30% higher than on a standard Legendary item, but only for some of the affixes, such as main stat, vitality, all resist and armour. For example, on Gloves a standard Legendary would have 500-750 Main Stat, and an Ancient Legendary would have 751-1000 Main Stat. Primal Ancient Legendary items have the same affix ranges as Ancient Legendary items do, but their values are always at the maximum of the possible range, e.g. on Gloves, they’d always have 1000 Main Stat.

It’s easy to tell Primal Ancient Legendary items apart because they have a red border to their icons (even when unidentified) and have a variegated background to their icon (it’s actually the face of Diablo), and when they drop, the mini-map shows a red pentagram for them, and the beam from them is red with misty swirls around it. Screenshot as an example…

You’ll also see in the screenshot, at the top of each of those gloves, it says what rarity they are. The set on the left says “Ancient Set Gloves”, the set on the right says “Primal Ancient Set Gloves”.

I’ve been playing with the Kanai cube and slowly getting the hang of it. Let me ask:

On Item 1 (Extract Legendary Power), I managed to extract 2 legendary items’ power. How do you use the legendary power once you extract it?

On Item 5 (Work of Cathan). How do you obtain gems of ease and how do you raise their rank to +25?

On a side note: What the Armory for? I managed to save an armory set but I see no use for it.


Click the gray box with a weapon in it. This will open up a book of extracted powers. Select the one you want and the gray box will be replaced by an image representing the power selected.

The Gem of Ease is a legendary gem that will drop when you run a greater rift. There are many legendary gems so it may take several greater rifts to get the one you want. This recipe is mostly for leveling new characters tho so probably not worth worrying about unless that’s what you want to do.

For storing a set of gear and skills that you have equipped, known colloquially as a build. You can store up to 10 different builds and switch between them without having to search for the gear in your stash.

There are 3 larger boxes below the area to place items in the cube. One is for weapon powers, one for armor powers and one for jewelry powers. Select the appropriate box for the power you extracted and you can select it. Only one power of each type can be in use at a time, but you can change them as often as you like.

Each time you run a greater rift you will get a random legendary gem after killing the Rift Guardian. One of the gems you can gain is the Gem of Ease. Each time you complete a Greater Rift you are able to add ranks to the gem of your choice from those that you have gained. Eventually if you run enough GRs to have gotten one of each gem type then no more will drop until you get rid of (use, trade to an alt char, drop on the ground) then another of that type will drop from the next GR run.

Armory is basically a way to create gear loadouts so that you can have different arrangements for different needs.

With pictures…

Sheesh…you with yer fancy pics… Showoff =P

[quote=“StarElven-1630, post:26, topic:33634, full:true”]
There are 3 larger boxes below the area to place items in the cube. One is for weapon powers, one for armor powers and one for jewelry powers. Select the appropriate box for the power you extracted and you can select it. Only one power of each type can be in use at a time, but you can change them as often as you like.[/quote]

Pardon my ignorance but I don’t understand. I extracted the legendary power of a weapon and the picture of the weapon is on the leftmost square. When you click on that square you see the list of powers. They’re all whited out except for the one you did. How exactly do you take advantage of this to improve your game?

There is one spot for an additional weapon power, one slot for an additional armor power, and one slot for an additional jewelry power. By selecting a power which you have extracted (the ones that are not blanked out) you gain that power without actually wearing the item itself. The blanked out powers are items that you have not extracted power from yet. Once you use the cube to extract power from an item it will be selectable in the cube.

For example. If you extract the power from Leoric’s Crown and select that in the middle slot of the cube, then you gain the bonus it offers while being able to wear another type of helm on your character as equipment.

So then when I start (or continue) a game, first I go to the Kanai cube, click on the square with the weapon in it, then close the cube. Now the weapon on my character has the power I extracted. Is it as simple as that or am I missing something?

BTW you responded in less than 1 minute. I had no idea you were a bot. Your software is so well written I was under the impression you were human. :grinning:

I am not a bot, just a helpful player who happens to be online at the moment.

Anything you select in the cube stays active for your character until you decide to change it to something else. Whichever weapon you have selected in the cube gives you that power no matter what weapon you are actually using on your character. It’s basically just 3 bonus powers that you can add to whatever powers you get from the gear you wear.

It’s simple as that, just choose the 3 bonus powers you want and they apply in addition to whatever you choose to wear. The one thing to consider is that if you wear the same type of weapon that you selected in the cube you won’t gain anything extra from that, so you always want to put powers in the cube for items that you are not wearing.

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Note: It is a good idea, at first, not to waste mats extracting powers that don’t really help you.
I see that your Wizard extracted a Maloth staff. All it does is sometimes it makes enemies run away. Is this really what you want?
You have limited resources at the start. Be judicious in what you choose for your first extracts

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StarElven: Thanks for reponding. So basically I don’t have to do anything to take advantage of the powers. It happens automatically.

When you said “Anything you select in the cube stays active for your character until you decide to change it to something else”, do you mean I can extract the power of another weapon and it’ll overwrite the one that’s there? Or do you mean something else?

yessquire: Thanks for the advice. I’m trying to do is learn to use this thing. All I did was run a test with the Maloth staff to see if I could get it to work. Naturally it’s no reason to ignore your advice.

Everyone thanks for the help.

Simply click the box showing the item you wish to change at the bottom of the cube. You will then get a multi-page view of everything you have extracted for that category. You click the extracted item that has the power/effect you wish to equip in that slot.

Extracting a new power won’t overwrite the one there, but it will add it to the list you can choose from. Any power you choose will remain active until changed, and you can change it to another one whenever you want to.

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The legendary powers extracted into the cube basically act the same way as your passive skills. Just like your characters each have a pool of 19 or so passive skills, from which you can choose any 4. They will continue to work until you select another passive skill. The legendary powers are the same. Once you select a legendary power, you will continue to gain its effect until you select another one. Simply extracting a power into the cube won’t automatically change the selected power, it just allows you to choose it if you want.