I did put this on this post below.
Yes, Kadala can give you green set items.
This is the correct forum for asking questions like yours and you don’t have to start a new thread for each question.
You can even edit your Title to something simple that would include all of your questions.
That way you won’t have to bounce around looking for the answers in multiple threads.
I’ll replace yellow items to legendary first. i.e., your chest, bracers, belt.
Remind that you can use the cube to upgrade yellow items to legendary too.
Amulet costs a lot of blood shards, so it is the least priority. Use the cube to upgrade yellow amulet (and ring) to legendary instead.
Both methods have chance to get set items.
This spreadsheet contains the average blood shard and death’s breath cost:
This website list items by the minimal obtainable level and their average cost:
I thought about using 25shard items than the amulet that is 100shards.
I also would like a legendary twohanded weapon worth 75shards.
I thinks I did get upgrades to Legendary for like all slots. Yet the legendary stats I didn’t like enough. I know that you can change stats for Legendaries also to fit style of gameplay.
You didn’t mistake on your post. I thought you meant that I should use 100shards for amulets; you are against that, alright.
Not sure what mistake you are talking about because what you said has no contradiction to my post.
I did misread it. Thanks for help!!!
It is normal thinking.
I was based on your profile page. It may be outdated.
I listed “your chest, bracers, belt”. They are all armor and cost 25BS.
Weapons cost 75 BS.
Ring and amulet cost 50 and 100 BS respectively.
So, 25BS items are cheaper.
Many people recommend gamble 25BS items only, never gamble weapons or jewels. They have their point.
For me, if I already got average-quality items but missing a crucial weapon, ring or amulet, I’ll still gamble BS for these items despite the higher cost. Of course, I’ll use the cube as well.
I do the same thing. And after I have all my items, even if they’re not great quality, I may even gamble BS on Follower items.
After all, BS cap out and you have to spend them on something.
25BS items that are cheaper, I got really good Legendaries, two Legendaries really fast. FROM Kadala merchant.