Just wanted to play on PTR and this happened


Right now I can’t even play on normal EU, NA or Asia servers…

Always Online in nutshell…

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In a nutshell: Stuff happens.



What has PTR to do with not being able to play on official servers? :roll_eyes:

Just pointing out the beauty of always online…

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Something is clearly wrong right now. 3h wait to get in…

I ran the Blizzard App about an hour ago. There was an App update, which I let complete and restart. Then there was a WoW update, after which there was data downloaded for a future WoW patch. When it had completed, the App ran fine. I did not try to start a game as I was doing other things at the time.

I just now ran the App again. It still seems to be running fine (for me). I still haven’t tried to start a game though — on PTR or Live.

I forgot there’s a way to bypass the launcher and start game from shortcut, so if the launcher doesn’t allow you play the game you can do it directly with a shotcut and a specific command line -launch at the end of Diablo.exe in your game file…

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sounds like cheat. Oh oh oh :wink:
edit: works! :+1:

got in but there is huge lag.
people say its because wow expansion was released:

I got in too, bypassing the launcher, did 1 45 GR to check something, got bored and now I’m watching Youtube…