It's PTR, why so tame with set that needs buff? (Wizard Typhon's Veil)

10,000 > 12,000 really??

You know the LoD version was still like 10-12 GR’s better, how is 1-2 more GR’s of damage going to help?

This is PTR, should have went bolder with numbers then downtune if needed for Live. It’s going to need to be at least 1500% per head and that’s still being pretty conservative. Said this since week 1…

Even if Frost Hydra working correctly now with attack speed and hydra heads not dying instantly there’s still a massive gap in power compared to LoD.

I’m fine with LoD ultimately being stronger, but the set needs to be more competitive. At most you’ve bumped it up 3 GR’s from a 12 GR disadvantage.


Hmmm I don’t believe you. Typhon’s Veil seems fine to me and I plan to play it next season. You’ll be trying to get a well rolled ancient amulet while I’m speeding through rifts.

LoD was only so strong because buggy deathwish and eteched sigil. stop trolling

You guys need to look at the leaderboards before commenting. Just saying. Even several varieties of LoD beat out the set pretty handily, including EF/CoE/Unity/Furnace/OiD. Tons of versions…of LoD lol.

Sorry if facts = trolling to you. There’s a 1500 paragon clearer with the set with nearly all primals from china @ GR100 with 4:43 minutes, so that’s probably GR110 clear at best, hard to really tell since obviously not pushing but certainly not GR125-130’s.

Besides there was clears of the set with buggy DW and Sigil too, and they were all still 10-12 GR’s below. I am taking into account the shield and ICD fix of hydra heads dying, that factor still makes it only a 1-2 GR difference at best, so 3-4 total at best from 12 behind.

But I mean if you guys want the set to be inferior, keep ignoring the results I guess.

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I agree with op : the buff should have been higher to balance the nerf to hydra supporting items.

However, it is pretty natural that the LoD version is much higher because of the season theme that is way easier to use with a LoD build.

The main issue with the set with that theme is that 2 core items (TnT and magistrate) conflicts with set items, having a belt in it would have probably be better.

“Fixing” the frost hydra was probably a bad decision : it was the only rune usable for speed builds thanks to the reduced delay between invocation and first attack

So basically, the set has now no real utility. And it seems to suffer from some buggy DR issue that add insuit to injury

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They first concentrate probably on bug fixing. Before they can “fine” tune the builds. Nothing is set in stone, yet. 3 sets at the same time is probably a lot of work.

No doubt, I understand that. But I’m also saying I’m not sure why they didn’t just go to the extreme other end being a PTR and see the results from then.

1200% per head isn’t attractive enough to use over LoN thus = less testing done with set thus = not the purpose of the PTR.

Better to go crazy on PTR then have it over/under live.

You’re right it is. I think they over extended. They could have focused on one set and and a few items to compliment it and really made it shine. Instead we’re going to end up with a lame season theme and 3 half assed builds, that probably won’t be able to compete with the meta.

Damn whoever I said was completely nuts and overboard about 5k% 6 pc might be exactly correct…wow. It’s just that behind LoN Mammoth, incredible.

Don’t believe it? Put both builds in D3planner and check the hydra dps. LoN Mammoth will be 2.5-3x higher every time.

Again I think it’s okay for LoN Mammoth to eventually do the most the most damage at the end of the gearing path, but not by that much.