Issue with enchanting

A couple of times I’ve noticed the gold cost of enchantments jumping up crazy fast. It’s not consistent, but for example, I crafted the Guardian bracers, and the cost to enchant was over 2M gold after only about 10 rolls. My best guess is it remembered that I had rolled on another Guardian bracers and started from there.

According to, “the gold cost of each enchanting on the same item increases multiplicatively, stacking infinitely” so it is quite easy to see an astronomical gold cost very quickly.

This is one reason having the previously rolled affix as a newly rolled one is asinine.

That isn’t the issue I’m reporting. I’m very aware of how it works, having rerolled thousands of stats.

On the PTR when rerolling some stats, I noticed that the cost was way way higher than it should have been. I haven’t had time to try various test scenarios, but I’m 100% certain I shouldn’t have been up to that high of a cost on my Guardian bracers. It also happened on something else, but it’s the sort of thing you barely notice, so I didn’t pay attention until it happened again. It might have been a holy point shot quiver.

In both cases, I believe what happened was:

  1. I crafted an item (from bs or cube)
  2. rerolled one stat several times
  3. crafted another of the same item type
  4. rerolled a stat on that new item

OK, when you explain it (which is not what was done in the OP), the issue is more clarified…

Sounds like a bug, possibly.

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This happened again. With Guardian bracers again. I rerolled some other items and then started to reroll the elemental damage on the Guardian bracers. It looked like the increasing gold cost started from where it had stopped on the previous item I was rerolling.