ISO: Wirt's Original Leg NA

Does anyone have it? Can it be shared? If so, are you willing?

I’ve been looking for this and it has dawned on me that I have never once considered where the heck Wirt’s original leg even went in the first place. Thanks D3 for giving us the answer. It was Bishibosh the entire time! However, Bishibosh’s remains are particularly stingy, probably because 20 years of rotting, and I have yet to acquire this item.

I’ve only got Sungjae’s Fury (2H Axe Transmog from Drowned Path) which I can share in return, nothing else particularly special. But it would be really appreciated if anyone could!

WIRT’S original leg. Not Griswold’s.

I’m actively looking for it. For me it dropped before patch 2.4.1 when it was NOT a transmog. Traded it for a King Maker - that blasted Stinging Winds axe.

You’re better off joining the Cosmetics community. People announce stuff like that all the time.

Yeah I put Wirt’s in the description but not the title. Rofl. Woops.

Good Luck to you too as well.

I’ll try that, maybe somebody will say something here though.

that’s a blue item right? sorry I crushed it last week -.-

Is this like indirect teasing? Get out. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I don’t blame you if you did though.