Is trading dead for Diablo 4?

If GGG post a new manifesto that they will remove all the trading from the game they will lose at least %80 of the playerbase.

Yes, that is to happen in the future - when you provide the ID for your account you’ll match it with the hardware you use.

This then severely damages account trading through account sharing since that would become a very expensive practice. As such it would probably cease to exist completely.

It is. But not because of lack of trading.

I doubt it. But the game would instantly become a lot better.

trading makes an item more sought after.
endlessly grinding for an item with what purpose? A higher greater rift like d3? I can’t put into nice words what i think of that idea.

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Trading for what purpose?

No, it won’t. They already have SSF leagues, and while they have their niche of players, there are far less people playing it then open trading leagues.

Solo is not the same as non-trading. And PoE is currently balanced around trading.

Ssf leagues is exactly solo and non trading. Even if it is balanced around trading, people who do play this mode knows it and decide to play a non trading experience. You can check their forums and drop rate isn’t the biggest complaint about this mode

What he means is there needs to be also multi and non-trading. To achieve that in PoE you need to create a private league.

So, the split in aRPG categories when creating a character in D4 might be:

  • Season vs NS
  • SC vs HC
  • Trade vs Non-trade
  • Multi vs SSF

I am not against such type of splitting. I even suggested more groups in another thread:

The more modes in a new game - the better. A fresh game like D4 would have a lot of players at initial launch and the more diversity in modes the developers could offer them the better for everyone (player base, income, player’s satisfaction).

Right now this is very good seen in HS with Battlegrounds (a new game mode) attracting many new players.

If the game starts dying one day and the player base splitting due to many modes is creating problems, they could always merge stuff - like they did with SC2 regions years ago.

If it’s so unimportant, why are you spamming the forum with trading threads? Just remove trading altogether.

Yes, and it was good. (And it was waaay longer than a week after Ros release.)

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I have a crazy but simple ideas to prevent playing the trading game than the game itself which become a problem with audition house.

Have a trading rune that is required for trading and it is absorbed after trade. It will be either a rare drop( that is independence on MF) or/and obtainable by doing special botting unfriendly quests limited by how many you can do a day.

So the trade runes are precious and so ensure people only trade for things they wanted badly instead player “buying” all their gears from start to end like D3 vanilla.

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Make all tiers of items usable and thus desirable, then limit trading to local trading. This will make it so that:

  1. New players can enter the trading game if they want. (Some players only want to play the game like that).
  2. The old players can sell the part of their gear that isn’t character locked and buy gear for a new char.
  3. The different towns around the game map become living trade hubs and thus social hubs.

Then you dont have right to say anything bad about the current state of D3.

Trade requires effort.
Minority of peeps here don’t like effort.
They want to be carried. They want powerleveling. Some are even advocating a staring level of 70, removing levels 1-69 altogether.

If dev and marketing team cater to this low effort minority, then this franchise be dead. We need trading, we need deep character/skill building, we need cerebral engagement, not hand me downs.

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it doesnt;
it requires preference.

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I love that idea…They should make it so you can only hold 1 at a time so they can’t be hoarded and 1-3 farmable per week. They could call it like “Stone of Soulbinding” or something. I wish they could add a captcha for the quest too lol.

On a side note I hope they put more quests into D4 that drop exclusive loot. Was so tired of looting random generated dungeons with cheap boss battles.

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How in the hell does trading make a worse gaming experience? Have you played any games? Lol.

Diablo 3 removal of trading is what executed the final blow.


I actually like the idea of trading that D4 devs have at the moment. A limited system where some things are always tradable. Others are bind on trade (BoT) and others are bind on account (BoA). That allows for some trading. But it doesn’t allow players to actually buy the best gear in the game.

You won’t have a CC (credit card) warrior come along and buy all of the best gear and then beat you in PvP because he bought all of the best gear. No, he will have to farm it like you do.

With free and unrestricted trading you will have D4 as a pay to win from the stand point of the players not Blizz. More so if we have a robust PvP and non PvP competition system (leader board). If the PvP isn’t very good at all or the non PvP competition is virtually nil then free trading might not be as bad.

They are trying to split the difference between no trading and free unrestricted trading and I think they have the best of both worlds.