Is this bannable?

Hi! I’d like to bring up a topic for discussion. I think many people are familiar with the “autocast” technique, which essentially makes the game receive a constant input for a skill automatically. This is usually done with the numpad on a keyboard: you press a skill key on the numpad, and before releasing the key, you lock the numpad. This causes the game to continuously receive the input to press that key, casting the skill whenever it can.

Now, here’s my issue—my keyboard doesn’t have a numpad, but I’d still like to be able to use this function in the game. So, I created a Python script that simply holds down the skill key using pynput. That’s all the script does. My question is: is this bannable? I haven’t used it yet because I’m not sure if it might lead to a ban. Is this considered a third-party program? You could say it is, but all it does is hold down a key for me, similar to using a hotkey if one of my keyboard keys wasn’t working. It doesn’t provide any advantage over other players since I’m just replicating a technique that users with numpads can and already do. If anything, it’s leveling me compared to those who can perform this action.

It would be great if the game had a more native autocast option in its settings, but for now, I’d like to know if I’m allowed to use this script that I made. If needed, I can share the script here on the forum.

Then use the General Discussion forum… not Technical Support. This forum is for community based help on issues such as installation or crashes or connection type problems. There are no longer any Blizzard Technical Support staff here… a gift from Microsoft, I imagine.

As far as trying to figure out what is bannable or not… well… if you gotta ask, then it probably is. Blizzard does not discuss what is bannable or not… they haven’t since I started monitoring these forums 7 or 8 years ago – they sure won’t do it now.