Is there any possibility of starpact surviving the nerfs?

sorry i dont 4man paragon farm like the rest of you. I actually work for my level


It’s sad that they even ruined 1 drop meteor. They could of changed the starpack rune and could of had the same results without messing up other classes/builds

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We all have to work for level . You can do it smarter and efficiently

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Or they could have made it so that when you cast Starpact via Etched Sigil, it consumes al your Arcane Power, just as if you would use the skill on its own.

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My build has been a fire / ice channel build ever since the season of nightmares all those many months ago… And I love it! And now my build is being shot in the head execution style…

The blizzard I grew up with is dead, you hear me… Dead…

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Are u trolling ? Please read Lexyu explaination here Better Bazooka Fixes.
FYI : he plays SP with no macro

if you play with others and grind paragon in a group, you have no right to judge the paragon of solo players


Who says I dont play solo ? This a free forum, I can judge anyone and your time posting forums is way longer than your time playing the game … CMIIW

It’s possible to channel for 1 second between the Meteor casting and it landing. I’ve proved this myself. Although trying to enter Archon at the end of this channeling won’t work for Bazooka.

Archon needs to be hit directly after channeling to work. Requiring more than 1 tick of channeling prevents Bazooka from working.


He’s not judging solo players.
He knows you are new to the game and need more experience playing.

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I’ve been playing since 2017

Just because someone uses a shovel to dig a hole while you use a spoon doesn’t make you a better digger :slight_smile:


Nope. But if the person with the shovel comes over and tells you that your hole isn’t big enough, it’s kind of annoying :slight_smile:


Yes, but we can see your paragon from previous play and you don’t have much experience.

Many of us here can tell.

It’s like going on a programming blog with little C++ experience and before you know it everyone seems to be trolling you.

It’s only because you are new.
No big deal.
Stick with it and after a while you’ll be an old dog like the rest!

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Or maybe they could fix archon… This problem has been around since the twister meta. The problem is the giant global scalar from archon stacks with fazula/ swami. Fix that. Death Wish and ES are fine.


back when i played the average power level was much lower. Cracking gr100 was a serious achievement and i dont think there was a single solo player who had hit gr130+

When I look at your profile I see that you have a lot of different toons but none are built out to make your play efficient for either farming or solo play. There are a ton of players like myself in game that will help players like you if they: 1. Ask for help 2. Are willing to learn and 3. Communicate back to us. If you work on one class that you can farm and solo with “EFFICIENCY” then your paragon, shard limit and game enjoyment will increase. I think its your lack of efficiency that has kept you from maximizing your full game potential be it solo or group play.

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I heard from a zooka player it can still be pulled off.

Look at the post on wizard forum from lexyu. I think it was titled a better fix to bazooka.

Classic bird starpact or lon/lod starpact is brilliant. Bazooka starpact - cancer. It should be OP super stuff for one season and not for permanent