Is there an actual "hide TOPICS" feature here?

If yes, someone tell me how to use it? (Not talking about “mute users” – I want to go a step further and not even see their topics anywhere on the boards, full stop)

If not, Blizz, consider adding it? It’s ridiculous that I can put someone on “mute forever” yet still see their topics. It wastes my time and makes me not want to use your forums.


The base Discourse software did not even have Ignore. We do have it now but it does not remove threads from view. You would need a browser addon to do that.

Also, at the bottom of threads you can navigate to the Notifications menu and set it to Mute. That actually does make the thread vanish from the forum list. You have to do that per thread though.


Doesn’t work for me. Neither with the weird “BBB” nor with straight “BBB” (which looks identical here). I inserted a valid battletag of course.

Doesn’t seem to work for me either, but I appreciate the help nonetheless. Now that I know the forums doesn’t have this kind of feature innately, I can focus my efforts on trying to find a suitable workaround.

  1. Click your little avatar and select Preferences. It looks like a person icon.

  2. Click Preferences again (this time it looks like a gear).

  3. Select Users under Notifications.

  4. Add users to the Ignore section. According to the section, this should “Suppress all posts, notifications, and PMs from these users.”

That first part is what you wanted.

If it does not work, that’s on the forum config and not the advice.

Ignoring posts works fine. But I still see all the spam threads started by these guys.

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Indeed. The issue is similar to what I have with social media platforms in general, like Twitter or Facebook; those sites are primarily run by algorithms that are designed to keep you engaged via “negative content.” That is to say, they specifically try and get you riled up. Research has shown that if you “agree” with something, you’re likely to only leave a heart/like/etc. and then move on, but if you DIS-agree with something you are far more likely to “actively engage” by posting.

And they want you actively engaging as much as possible.

So they start by generally probing your likes and dislikes, usually feeding you a few tidbits of things you like in the beginning to get you motivated to browse more, but every now and then forcing something your meta data says you WON’T like into your feed. This may sound conspiratorial but it’s actually driven by scientific and psychological fact, which is what makes it so scary to me. I don’t like the idea of being manipulated at a near-subconscious level.

Bringing it back to the forums here, what will happen is I’ll log in, start browsing topics, and inevitably I’ll see something I don’t agree with, which is fine! I’m not trying to set up an echo-chamber! But when I investigate further into this topic I disagree with, more often than not it turns out it’s “yet another” post by “certain someone” (being vague to avoid witch hunting) who has a proven track record of troll-posting.

And there’s the rub. I have this person on permanent mute, when I click INTO the topic it actually says “ignored content” yet I still see the topic in the list, still see the “preview blurb” when I highlight it, which leads me to have to remember to check who the topic creator was every single time I see a topic I might want to read, which leads me to seeing this person’s name a LOT, which gets me irritated because I have them on ignore.

I’m not asking for the system to change just to appease me, but I am moderately annoyed that “ignore/mute/etc.” doesn’t work in an intuitive way. It’s buried in sub menus and seems to perform sub-optimally.

Like, imagine someone having me on ignore, yet because I just “bumped” this topic by posting, this is the first topic they’ll see on their list when they come to the forums. That doesn’t help ANYONE. The person who has me on ignore doesn’t want to see me, and I most likely don’t want to see them either.