Is the Dawn still usable for UE or even Marauder?

After having returned to the game again, I noticed that players on the leaderboards don’t incorporate Dawn into the build anymore. It’s now replaced with the Crossbow that provides a shield to protect your Squirts. That amulet is the bane of my existence. Okay, maybe that’s a little extreme. I’m not too fond of it.

Is it still viable? If I can avoid Squirts, I usually do. And is Yang’s Recurve necessary for Marauder’s? Permanent uptime on Vengeance feels so nice and it’s the only gripe I had with the set when I played it a year ago or so.

Something that’s only tangentially related is that I’m a little disappointed that the last patch for D3 didn’t include anything to shake up the amulet meta. It would’ve been nice to see more useless Amulets get a purpose or Hellfire Amulets make a comeback.

I’m not a skilled gamer. But I’ve always loved playing the Unhallowed Multishot. Here is the build I play every Season:

(I have the Ring of Royal Grandeur in my 4th Cube Slot. Normally, I don’t run with the Unity Ring).

If you don’t want to use Squirt’s Necklace, try crafting a decent Hellfire Amulet and give yourself an extra Passive Skill.

Yes. The 50-55% resource cost reduction is critical to being able to sustainably do enough damage. Also, there is a Multishot variant for Marauder’s which is only slightly worse than Cluster Arrow. See below for other reasons to use a 2H Bow…

Yeah, with Crimson’s and all the other Cooldown Reduction rolls on equipment, your downtime on Vengeance can be played around. I’m sure someone’s done the mathematics, but Vengeance damage bonus is outweighed by what you’d lose in damage from going from a 1940 damage bow to a 1700 damage hand crossbow. That’s sometimes why you see 2-handers being used for GoD builds because of (A) frame rates shenanigans and (B) the damage boost from a 2H xbow or bow.

Amulet options? I have seen Endless Walk Marauder’s in the past, but most of the decent players tend to stutter-step (look it up on YT) and render EW useless.

I mean, if you get a GG primal Flavor of Time, I’m sure you could wear that and potentially give your follower something fun like an Ess of Johan. Maybe not the best set up but you’d get to enjoy those semi-regular groupings of bad guys.

Yes, especially if you use CoE. Vengeance is a 20 second duration, so if you cast it right at the start of your element, it’ll carry you through a full 16 second cycle plus until the end of your element on the next cycle.

With a 48 second Vengeance cooldown (46.7% cooldown, very achievable with Crimson’s), you’ll have it up for your element for 2 out of every 3 cycles despite having less than 50% uptime. Just need to get 47+% cooldown (when syncing cooldowns to CoE a little bit extra so you have a buffer is always a good idea) and play around CoE.


The thing is, I don’t enjoy playing around rotations too much. I’d just prefer Vengence to be a set-it-and-forget-it type thing. Playing around the CD with CoE isn’t my type of thing.

Sucks to hear that it seems mandatory to go with Yang’s…If only the Manticore had the same unique affix as Yang’s

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