Is season 34 going to start on time?

With all the mishaps with season 33 closing, is someone there to make sure season 34 start smoothly.

I’m literally shaking and scared that season 34 is going to have all these problems occurring right now.

Can we get some confirmation that things are under control and season 34 is going to go smooth, because i’m literally investing a lot of money and time into playing this season 34 and i’d hope someone there at blizzard cares about the players time and money. I’m going to be literally flying to my off-grid gaming cabin so it’s literally impossible for my game time to be interrupted. It’s a lot of work transporting supplies to last 3x3 months… i’m going to put my career on hold. It’s a big deal…

but if season 34 bugs out and shuts down and we see another season 33 debacle, then i cant even…


You didn’t get the email?


if you’re trollin me right now, i swear…

im about to quit and go play marvel plunderstorm heroes…

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No, we didnt. There is a major issue going on as any items in stash, or any other progress in game except for Items equipped and in character stash, were lost.


I can forgive Blizzard for making mistakes, but the prerequisite is that Blizzard can actively solve the problem. I’m in a miserable situation. Just because I went online and organized my mails on Jan.5.I had to unlock the altar again on January 6th.S33 ended on January 19th, and I didn’t have any harvest in the past two weeks,paragon items and material etc.

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People lost progress because you didn’t use rollback when the mistake occurred.

I have posted this in my bug report thread,
i warned people but i guess i should have made it more obvious, with a more noticeable title.

Now im just laughing with so many new items on me

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Well, the problem that occurred was directly related to ending, restarting and ending the season a second time.

As long as they don’t do that again, we all should be fine, more or less. In that it those things wouldn’t happen again, providing they don’t screw up the end of the season again.

Going forward though, the current losses of paragon, or mats, or items will be overcome. It stings and is a problem at the moment, but I don’t see this happening again.

Though it would be NICE if one of their staff would let us know their POSITION on this situation, if nothing else to confirm/alleviate fears of future repercussions from this mess.

But personally, I think we are going to be fine. I feel confident about it enough to say that.


The community manager hasn’t posted yet, and I’m the opposite of you. I’m losing confidence. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Wait… What?! Have you been banned from D4 forums or NASA forums for being here?
Or the League of Super Mathematicians? Or just here to troll?

Choose your weapon


Yea, Blizz will not do anything at all.

Because its every individuals who didnt rollback fault

Rollback link was spammed everywhere

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I was talking to a player who “lost” his Asia, US and EU seasons, and he told me something that made me laugh:
“It will be less time to sort the chest and inventories…”

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Actually chuckled myself.

Understandable. I guess I prefer to remain a bit more positive.

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Blizzard’s choice to solve the problem is the best option. This accident was originally caused by Blizzard’s mistake, and players lost a large number of game items. If Blizzard chooses to ignore it, this matter will have a negative reputation for Blizzard.

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What you don’t realize is, how would you suggest going about that?

While there are many that lost stuff, there are also just as many that didn’t during this same issue.

The only feasible option, would be to rollback the servers to revert all the screwups. But that will affect everyone, and make those that weren’t adversely affected angry instead.

I highly doubt they have a way to fix only those that were directly impacted. The fact that the in-game mail system didn’t offload any items, nor any progress was transferred to non-season for those affected shows that.

Essentially, if they have no in-place system tracking those changes in this weird scenario, how can they honestly fix it?

This is going to come down to restoring everyone at once which is highly unlikely, or having to deal with it and not repeat this mistake going forward.

I’m thinking the latter is the less frustrating option for most of us. They have mucked it up enough, no point trying to fix it further and potentially cause more grief.

You need to think bigger picture and note that not everyone was affected the same way.

I lost progress with mats, gold, and paragon earned during the last two weeks and even with that being the case, I would rather ride it out and just deal than have them try something else to fix it and make it worse.

Only players seemingly not affected by any of this, are those that didn’t touch the game during the blip, or those that used a personal rollback to fix it.

Mind you, they shouldn’t have HAD to use a personal rollback, or should have that rollback use refunded for their account for fixing Blizzard’s mistake.

I preferred not to use my personal rollbacks for this, as this was not my fault. You only get 3 of those and that’s it.


Please wake up, read and be informed. Isn’t this your job? Or at least that’s what your “Title” suggests. What jokes and little maturity. Wow, it reflects everything perfectly now!

No, it isn’t his job.


I understand that, so why put up with this then?

Then it will be Hal the computer that did it!!!

AS they say the lights are on but nobody is home!!!

It was a human error that cause the season 33 thing. It wasn’t Hal the computer that did it.

I might be wrong but there was nothing there on the desktop interface that the season was ending. Because there a lot people on Sunday on the EU server wanted to be boosted. They didn’t know the season was ending. Or when the new one was going to start.

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Did you though, glowdark? Nothing in your post suggests that. I’m not Bliz. I don’t represent Bliz. I’m no different than you or anyone else who posts here.

Bravata’s post was a welcome change from what’s been talked about these last several days. And I went along with it.

It’s okay to be frustrated, however, make sure you know who you’re upset with before lashing out.


Then why are you upset?

If you really understood my reason, you would understand that I have nothing to do with you, absolutely nothing. I’m trying to find someone responsible, to give an answer and solve these problems. More ignorance and indifference from “them”, more evil added. If everything was at point “0” with nothing happening or was being built back. Me and all these users were not here, absolutely not at all. We were down, enjoying the game.

I’m sincerely sorry if you misunderstood.