Is it now time to change the name of this forum?

Why stop there? I swear if they open up D2R forums to non-buyers I’m going to post as much WoW and Stracraft issues as I can on there just to see how many hypocrites complain about it.

At this point they should just rename it “General Sniveling”.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You might as well ask for an arm & a leg.

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and those posters are invading D3 General Discussion now when they have original Diablo 2 General Discussion readied for them to use.

Also, if they want to voice out their opinions about the D2R, there is a perfect place known as Diablo Reddit because apparently, Blizzard actually listened and took the feedback from the Reddit “insert Blizzard title” extremely serious.

For example, most of the Heroes of the Storm changes in the past were heavily influenced by Reddit HOTS than from the official main forum. In fact, even the HOTS developers post more on HOTS Reddit than the official main forum itself.

Oh by the way, where were D3 posters post in the past when D3 was announced? I am pretty sure that you need to pre-order/buy the game to post at D3 forum in the past or it was a not thing at that time?

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Unfortunately for you Kilometer, that’s not going to cut it, it seems.

The D2 forums - for whatever reason simply are a ghost town compared to the volume of threads relating to D2R in comparison to these forums.

Blizzard could fix 99% of this issue at a stroke though, and simply let D2 license holders post in the D2R forums.

That they have chosen not to take this logical, and frankly, obvious step, bewilders me, but their actions are, I would hope you’d admit, at least partly to blame for the “off topic” posting going on in the D3 forums.

For myself, I would much rather be posting in the D2R forums, but do not pre-order Blizzard products any more.

Maybe, I don’t know, people who play Diablo 3 also want to talk about Diablo 2:R without having to pre purchase the game just to post about it, especially after the many bad launches Blizzard has now become known for? :thinking:

The other silly argument that people must not own Diablo 2 because they don’t post in the Diablo 2 forums, but post here instead is also a bit silly. All it means is they have not registered their original cd keys with the current adaptation of the account manager. An action I only did myself, after re-installing recently and wanted to use the digital download instead of my original cds. it doesn’t mean the millions of people who have played it, don’t own the game anymore, they simply haven’t switched to the digital down download version yet.



Then the fix is only slightly more work, allow posting in the D2R forums from any D2, D2:LOD or D3 license holder.

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They should let any Diablo product owner post in any Diablo forum. Or for that matter just merge all of the Diablo forums together and add flair to posts like reddit to indicate the game.

There was a time when you didn’t need a DC key to post on any Diablo forums, and it was that way for over a decade, over many various forum versions. :man_shrugging:

Edit: For that matter they should really just let any Blizzard game owner post in any Blizzard forum like almost every other game company on the planet.


Where do you think?!
On D2 forums. Presumably with you telling them to stop posting about D3.


Why would there be any need for moderation? All these “off topic” threads gather like 10-20 replies, then die off quietly. It’s honestly not even worth the trouble.

But I suppose it’s more interesting to lock all these threads and limit this forum to Diablo III discussion. Which isn’t exactly abundant. Everything that can be discussed has been discussed, multiple times, for 9 years. I suggest you take a look at the Diablo III forums in other regions. Those can be glad if they get 1 post per day. In total. No, I’m not talking about threads. I’m talking about actual posts. Diablo III, which has been declared dead many times, now finally seems on its last legs. But deafening silence seems preferable to some people over slightly off topic discussions.

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“Every nook and cranny” xD.

From my perspective, It is a ghost town because most D2 players are pirating the D2 game so they don’t have the access to post in D2 GD. I see no short of people posting about D2R in Reddit Diablo and other unofficial D2 forums because those forums don’t require you to have original D2 to post.

So far, the only official Diablo forum that they can post is Diablo 3 because they bought D3 in the past whether they like it or not.

If anything, this proved that Blizzard was right to make Diablo always-online to combat piracy because they can’t pirate D3.

True enough.

Problem is that both D3 General Discussion and D2R General Discussion sub-forums display as “General Discussion.” Can’t distinguish between until click on header. Suggest display D2R General Discussion as “D2R General Discussion.”

The forum title, for me, shows as Forums > General Discussion. The implication of such is that it is not even Diablo related and “general” in every sense of “off topic.”

At this stage, it would be too much work to cycle the various games into their own section. Alas.

The URL for the top level of these forums is…
Would you care to hazard a guess as to what the d3 in the URL signifies?

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It signifies no one looks at the URL. Obviously.

Clearly what we need is some discussion about Diablo 1.

I feel like we’re neglecting it.



It is outright stated “Discuss Diablo III” here

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Again, looking at the wrong thing… you know, where real people actually look. Who bothers with the top view or URL? No one. They look at the header considering that is what you usually use to navigate.

For new users or real people, how do they access the D3 forum in the first place?

The first method is from clicking the “forum” in the app:

The second method is google “D3 forum”:

And both links will direct the user to here:

and there, anyone with working pair of eyes will be able to read “Discuss Diablo III” before clicking the General Discussion with their mouse.

The end.

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You left this one out:

Jul '19

Welcome to the Diablo III Community Forums. These forums are here to provide you a friendly environment where you can discuss everything Diablo III with your fellow players.

The Diablo III forums are for discussion of topics directly related to Diablo III.

“The forums here are specifically to discuss the game and related topics. Any topics not related to Diablo III, Battle. net, or Blizzard Entertainment are subject to deletion.”

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