Is Faithful Memory working as intended?

I’ve recently been playing a hammer crusader using the new Faithful Memory proc (each enemy caught in Falling Sword adds damage to Blessed hammer), and while the build is a blast to play, I noticed something off about how that proc stacks.

Each enemy caught in Falling Sword adds 80% damage to Blessed Hammer for 10 seconds for a max of 10 stacks. One would think that the idea of this build would be to keep those stacks alive and keep your damage output maxed out (ei. I land on enemies, burn off my cooldown and land on more enemies to bolster my existing stack before it wears off). Once I started paying attention though, I saw that this proc works differently.

Instead of adding to your current stack, using Falling Sword will -replace- your current stack. So if I land on 7 enemies, then your next Falling Sword only lands on 3, my 560% damage buff is replaced with 240% instead of bolstered to the desired 800%. It seems to act as a speed bump for a viable but certainly not overpowered build.

So my question is; is this proc working as intended, or is it supposed to work like other stacking builds where you build up and maintain a max stack?

It works as intended. But I don’t disagree that a refresh would be easier to play.

Refreshing stacks would be easier to the point of being too easy.

I really like the spatial calculations that one needs to make to pull the most potential out of Faithful Memory. One isn’t simply looking for one measly little enemy to drop on, rather they’re looking for the optimal point on the map to cast Falling Sword. This is engaging, exciting, and fun.


I agree in spirit… most of this spawns from playing the console version, where it’s a bit more of a task to pinpoint exactly where you’re going to land. Aiming for the middle of a dense group, then the auto-aim switches to a lone straggler at the last second… it gets frustrating, where on the PC version you have total control over where you land.