🙈 is Common Sense too much to expect?

Doesn’t do much other than lock the player in a vicious cycle of buff-debuff-buff-debuff.

And UE Multishot is still considered the best and most popular T16 build and highly used for Rifts and Bounties. So why you making it sound like a bad thing? And then the very few that use it to push Grifts. I regular help people in DH community channel, mainly with UE and Impale related stuff. I always try to describe to them that UE has very little room for error compared to Impale. UE is squishy, Impale not so much. But UE also has the potential to push higher than Impale…Given your playstyle and if you know how to stutterstep and take the minimum (near none) amount of dmg required to clear Gr124+ (Impale’s high clear this season is Gr123)…And UE has cleared higher.

You answered your own question.

STILL the most favored, after all these years. Or more specifically, the ONLY favored build.

I don’t find that necessarily true. Sure, DH or any of it’s builds aren’t as popular as other classes. But theres a number of people that still enjoy LoD RF, Impale, as well as UE. I’m not arguing that DH isn’t meta or can push as high…Cause no sht? I’d argue that N6M4 is still viable as well but that build has obviously dropped off and no one seems to be playing it.

As far as Nev goes we cannot say for sure. At least I do hope the best for her regardless of how good or bad she done her job. It is jut part of how I am. I would never wish ill on anyone or hate anyone personally. It was how my father raised me. He said son if you hate the person instead of what they do then you might wind up doing the same bad things they did. But if you reverse it and hate what they did then you are not likely to do what they did. Also you have a benefit of possibly helping them if they want to change. You cannot do that if you hate them personally.

I say that it is likely that the classic team working on this game does play it. I am also gonna say it isn’t a matter of if they play the game or not. It is how well they understand what they are playing along with what is fun for them. If they find things that are fun that are not fun for us then it is gonna be a hard time for us to get them to make the needed changes. More so if they have no flexibility. If they are flexible then at least we can work with that if they are willing to work with us.

Playing a game isn’t necessarily gonna give you a clue as to what would be good for the game or bad for the game. That would at best only give you part of the answer. The other part is understanding the class and what the players of that class are looking for. There might even be some things that I have forgotten.

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Actually, on US Servers Nat’s RF holds all top 6 solo clears, and 7 of the top 10.
LoD RF comes in at # 7, and Impale at 9 & 10.
The top UE is #76. So, I would have to agree.

I also find N6M4 to be extremely viable regardless of the lack of players using it.

The problem with DH is that the highest solo GR is only 134, which makes it inferior for pushing than any of the recently buffed classes.
It was strongly inferred that this would be the patch to lift DH to a higher potential with the coming of the new set.

What was delivered is a clunky, squishy, under performing, mess that UE outperforms with the new Primary buffs.

Personally I dont like comparing Non-Season, but it is what it is…A good majority of players don’t bother with Non-Season except probably inbetween seasons to push a lil bit and climb on the leaderboards from their paragon gains and possible item upgrades that transfer from Seasonal play.

And it’s highly unlikely this is the final iteration and form of the current set and possible hybrid builds. Imo, the way the set is currently undertuned is slightly better then if it was overtuned, cause if you have the build pushing Gr140-150 right off the bat, who knows if any unforeseen possibilities will happen in the future that could make builds overpowered. I feel it’s better for testing purposes. And if the bugs are worked out to incur better gameplay and mechanics, who knows how much that’ll help as well. Theres alot going on with the new set at the moment, unfortunately it appears most of it is more bad than good and a good majority of the community is unhappy with it.

If this was the final form of the new DH then I’d better understand most of the complaints against the build being so weak and underpowered…But I highly doubt it won’t be buffed.

I would say they could have released it capable of doing 125.
Naturally, we won’t know what, if any, the final buffs may be until they happen; however, I’m willing to bet it won’t out perform Nat’s nor Shadow’s.

They played it enough to test our Theorycrafting, realized it was actually fun and powerful, and delayed the PTR a week to ruin it.

I’d love to play the original version of GoD. Before it was infected with playstyle cancer.

If thats the case, clearly there would be no reason to even release the set. Why even go through the trouble? I’m not claiming Bliz has been competent by any means…But they’re not in the business of just purposely pissing off customers…To an extent.

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I do like that they add at least something for the set that you need to do to get the damage, so I do not understand the hate for the mechanics for the GOD set. Adding these effects actually add some needed skill. Also would like to see the Crusader to be nerfed by another 1/2 to make the higher GR’s more challenging instead of now being able to always finish them. I would like there to be someone who actually does the math, because the math is not that hard, to get the DPS of sets aimed at certain task about even.

Also would understand that the Devs won’t follow a lot of the whining especially by people who don’t play the game that much at the moment and after 6 hours of playtime shrug their shoulders and say everything is bad. Thanx devs for putting the effort in.

Of the 5 new sets that have gone live only 2 are stronger than pre-existing sets.
Vyr’s and LoD Hydra crush Typhon’s.
Sunwuko’s is stronger than PoJ.
Wastes is far stronger than H90S.
“Why go through the trouble,” is being asked quite often.

Wizard mains would dispute that statement I think.
The point is that it was strongly inferred that DH and Necro had to wait until last, but it would be worth the wait because they were going to get sets that would make them competitive.
At this point it doesn’t appear to be working out that way.

It has been mentioned many times that the dev (can only be one person) does not play the game itself and has absolutely no idea.
dev can test in 5 minutes whether the set is good or not. and ptr is for fix bugs and not for such nonsense.
or should we play babysitter for beginners for free?

So what about Zdps DH build to be competitive in 4mans? Nobody seems to be talking about that. And from what I’ve seen is very rarely being tested on PTR in seasonal or non-seasonal. But has the potential to bring alot to the table and a bit of diversity for different comps. I still stand by my comment to wait and see the final iteration of the build and/or hybrid builds. Theres supposed to be another patch for PTR this week sometime…Guess we’ll wait n see what changes come of it.

Maybe perhaps we want DH to be RGK in meta and not be relegated to support

I don’t think the DH community has been anticipating their “Worth the wait” set to have a viable zDPS.
That said, odd zDPS builds are fine and fun in GR120-130. I currently play with a group that uses a zWiz in that range, and it works fine.
However, for higher GR a zDH is going to have to replace either the monk or barb. DH has no significant healing or mitigation skills, so that leaves barb.
Can this set pull mobs across the screen quickly? Can it provide group movement speed, or toughness with IP? Will it’s ES damage multipliers from OE add more than 2pc H90S, or apply it as quickly? No.

It may have some viability as a fun zDPS build, but it’s unlikely to make it into the META. As such it’s not going to get a lot of testing in that role.

And again, I agree that we’ll have to wait and see.

Beggers can’t be choosers right? If the DH community blatently “demands” that we get this or that, you think they’re gonna give it to us? Most likely not, they’re likely to use their own ideas and give us something we aren’t expecting.

Which would be both a huge disappointment and a slap in the face.

What was it you said?