Is a patch or fix planned for integrated graphic cards?

After reading this forum, it’s clear that the game doesn’t works with Integrated Graphic Cards. (crash directly after play button). I would like to know if a solution is planned or not for this problem ? Thanks.


I have the same question.

I think many people have this problem !

Technical alpha didn’ have this problem of lower GPUs crashing so WHY IS THIS HAPPENING IN THE BETA?!

I wonder if they were trying to throttle back the beta. Seems like a lot of people got left out

I’ll just add a note here that the game does not simply crash on all systems with integrated graphics. The game starts without errors and is technically playable on my old Surface Pro 4 with an Intel Core i7-6650U and its Iris 540 graphics. (Though only legacy mode has playable fps.)

However, there was Blue confirmation in another thread that integrated graphics is a setup they will not currently provide customer support for.

Did you play with iGPU in technical alpha?