Invisible molten explosion

So, this has been happening for several seasons now (started around s17). It improved from s23 onwards, with only 1 or 2 incidents happening in s23 and s24. This is the first incidence of it happening in s25.

No, it is NOT lag related. I’m playing solo, on PS4, with local game saves. This is a 100% bug with the game.

As a HC player Blizzard, please fix this. It is an unacceptable bug.

yeah it looks very strange, i dont think is an invisble molten explotions, i can see after the channeling the moltens didnt explode immediately (what should have happened ) untill u were over there, It seems as if there is some delay, either due to the connection or some problem in the game, but it is strange

Not sure I have had that happen but it looked like at least one explosion happened twice. That can definitely lead to death at higher difficulty.

There is no connection issue. I am on PS4, the character is a local save on PS4. Characters are not stored server side. The molten blast was invisible when I stepped into the area of effect. It ONLY became visible after it detonated with my character in the AOE.

Impossible to be sure - I treat molten very carefully as in the past, I have went in too early and a blast has detonated and killed my character (SC). When playing HC, I wait a bit before entering to pick up the DBs/loot etc.

Either way this is definitely some sort of bug. It only started happening in s17. The same problem happens with exploding grotesques btw.

i dont think invisible is the word, i think is a bug that causes some delay because on this wiki you can read this:

“Monsters imbued with the Molten trait leave harmful pools of lava behind while they move, dealing high Fire damage over 4 seconds. 3 seconds after they die, their bodies explode into extremely high-damaging gouts of fire”

so i made a test and compared my molten explosion in my pc, and its delay is exactly 3 second before the explosion, but yours is 4, obviously there is a bug but is not “invisible” explosions

also i recommend you to use Goldwrap with this belt u hardly never will die in the world (except in grs)

severely harms the mobility of the build and pretty much ruins it from being even remotely used in non GRs.

The molten pool was NOT visible. It was invisible. Until I stepped in it and it hit my character. For all intents and purposes, it was invisible.

nope that s not true, im playing DH this season with 2K paragons i reach gr 130 and i know every build for dhs, it seems ur using impale, so there is aguide where it shows u how to put woldwrap in nephalems runs and bounties, if u know the build u will find its doesnt harm the mobily and doesnt ruin everything
here u go
here u can use goldwrap while using chain of shadows in the cube, a lot of toughness with gold and a lot of mobility
im not forcing ur to play the best build, the player is free to play the way they want even if ur build is bad u have the right to use it, im just recommending u the best setup, but i can tell u goldwrap is MANDATORY on every build outside GRs, so u wont get oneshotted by moltens explosions next time

it was not visible because it was delayed, molten explodes after 3 seconds, ur explosion was after 4 seconds, its not invisible becuse molten explosions should NOT last more than 3 seconds, watch the video again, it was a bug indeed, but since is in console i dont think it has a easy fix

Look at the video again - the molten pool is immediately visible on killing a mob that has that affix. Then, 3-4 seconds later, it explodes. There is a clear 1 second gap between when all the other mobs have exploded from that pack, and I step in and bang. There still should have been a molten pool pre explosion.

And, if you had read my replies, you would have seen that I have reported this with grotesques too - which explode immediately on death and show the explosion radius immediately too. Grotesque killed, no death radius visible on screen at all.

Been using s6 impale for years for bounties without any issues from not having goldwrap thank you very much. The issue isn’t goldwrap giving extra toughness from gold pick up, the issue is an invisible molten pool and thus no awareness of an impending explosion. A player can’t avoid what they cannot see. My video doesn’t lie. You need to look closer.

Good for you. I did a GR134 clear @ p1300 with my s6 impale thank you very much.

lol okayy u seem not understand very much what im saying, understandable have a nice day

What you are saying is nonsense and incorrect. The precursor (to explosion) molten field is invisible. This gives a player a visible warning on where the danger is, so that they can take steps to avoid it. The molten pool for that final explosion was invisible. Sure, the explosion was visible AFTER it had procced…

the opposite is true…
molten explosion was not invisible it was delayed /by some bug obviously), ur molten explosion didnt trigger at 3 seconds but 4, i showed u a video comparing both videos and u didnt understand it
so read this again:

“Monsters imbued with the Molten trait leave harmful pools of lava behind while they move, dealing high Fire damage over 4 seconds. 3 seconds after they die, their bodies explode into extremely high-damaging gouts of fire”

and watch the video again:
molten explotions should be triggerted at 3 seconds, not as 4 seconds as ur video shows, i bet is just a console problem
if u can see it ur worthy to have +6k paragons and 130 gr with all clases like i did in NS with all clases :stuck_out_tongue:

GR130 is pretty easy with 6k+ paragon mate…another group playing leeching group mechanics to crap on solo players I see. I wouldn’t be boasting about it.

not in non season and with all clases and in the 1st try ; )It’s something to be proud of, it’s not easy bro