Inventory = Freedom

Yeah, basically a small equip zone. You would be limited and have to play some Charm Tetris with large, medium and small charms. But only charms would be allowed within that space, so you couldn’t actually use that for other things. The charms also don’t work outside of that space.

For me, something like that would seem more balanced overall. It would also feel like you’re making a build by actually having to equip something, rather then just gaining bonuses from hoarding things within your backpack.

You would also have to take into account personal preference when it comes to organization. Some people would prefer one side to store things, while another person may use the opposite side.

I’ve seen a charm inventory before. In Last Epoch. It was balanced well. They also added prefixes and such that were only available on charms/Idols that actually complimented and changed your builds. But since this was within a controlled space, it’s not abusive.

you’re missing something… and that is something we have gone over countless other threads…
i shouldn’t need to explain it here just because u decided to make your own thread.

a “charm inventory” isnt a seperate space for charms, its a separate space we can store normal items items without having to worry about charms working in them. therefore we are able to pick up normal stuff.

and you people keep using the “power vs comfort”
as if that’s even remotely accurate.

for it to be a “meaningful choice” there would need to be not be an answers that is objective the best in every senario.

runing full inventory of charms isn’t just more efficient, its WAY more efficient.
you kill stuff faster, so u get shorter runs so more items drop per time period you make more currency.

there is no “trade off” becuase we already stick items in cube… so the only “downside” is annoyance to the player.

and making something annoying is NEVER doing to stop people from doing it if its flat out better.

why do u think people rush to hell, why do you think people sit in baal runs.

do you think thats “the most fun” way to play the game? of course not… people will ALWAYS do what most efficient, even if it makes the game less fun to play.

therefore saying " you lose a METRIC TON of power and efficiency for an annoyance" isn’t going to stop ANYONE who knows how to play the game.

just as your not going to stop people from doing baal runs… or from rushing to hell to level their character faster.

THAT’S what your missing.

you are at the point where u are punishing players for no reason. your “punishment” is annoying yes… but EVERYONE will take it… because the pro’s outweigh the cons 100 fold.

So given that everyone who knows ANYTHING about how the game works is going to take the punishment, why not just eliminate it? your “trade-off” isnt a trade off… there is objectrive a correct answer.

the more skill GC’s you run the most efficient you are as long as u carry a cube.

all they are doing at this point is punishing players for doing what they have been forced to do.

to say its a “trade off” is a joke

if you asking me if i want a dollar fore free or if i would rather have $100 and stand on ice for 5 min barefoot… your going to take the $100… because its just plain better.
THATS what your missing

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Completely agreed Dyrio, nice post!

The silly thing is people saying they are punished for playing the game “correctly” by filling every space with charms. That gives most dps, but also most trips to town. Maybe playing “correctly” is playing at 90% maximum dps potential but fewer trips to town? That’s the obvious tradeoff. It’s ridiculous this even needs to be broken down to the absolute essential concepts as youve done, but well done doing it!

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no… its not “more trips to town”.

seriously its been 20 years u dont think people have done the math to figure out whats most efficient.

you want to know the reason a lot of people dont run full inventory of skillers?.. becuase THEY’RE EXPENSIVE
sorc sorc skillers, and pcombats are worth a lot

now imagine you have 8 of those skillers torch and anni and a fully geared character.

you aren’t making “more trips to town” because your not FINDING gear that is worth your time to pick up and store anymore frequently enough to need to do so.

jeff besos isnt going to be picking coins off the floor…

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Sorry dude, youre talking about only the 1337 loot grinders. It’s a choice for so many people, myself included. Im going to enjoy playing the game, not suffer through just to have a little better dps. That’s a choice, strange to say it’s not. The choice is in the way the system is set up.

Id rather see far fewer charms in the game than an entire extra inventory of space for everyone…

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Wait ok, then what’s the big issue? Town trips arent the problem? It’s what… opening the cube? Then can we just have items go straight to cube instead of an entire extra inv?

I would rather see a charm zone with customization options.

Options that could potentially change the skills on your character. Like reduced orb/hydra cooldown, immunity piercing effects, Increased bow damage, Icebolt/Firebolt Multi-shot, Double-Shot Bone Spear, etc.

Something Different… But controlled and balanced.

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its incredibly annoying? i said its efficient and people would always choose it… i didnt say it wasn’t a pain in the butt.

thats the entire point… its an obvious QOL chance with no balance implications… even with all the annoyances of the cube its STILL way more efficient so we all do it, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying… were asking that some stupid needless annoyance be removed.
and for some reason you are opposed to that.

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Jeff Bezos seems like the kinda guy to steal a 20 dollar bill from a grandma on welfare…I think he’d pickup change just so others wouldn’t be able to.

(totally off topic but had to be said)

Auto-Gold pickup. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thats… that’s not the point…


It’s incredibly annoying to open the cube or to go to town? Wasnt town not the issue? So the extra inv is primarily to save a cube click? Again, how about petitioning Blizz then for a real qol change like items autosorting into the cube if there’s no space in the inv?

Im opposed to an extra inv because it’s too much extra space for everyone. MrLlama showed that very well. Thatd affect everyone too much, not just the 1337 d00dz. If it must be, then maybe like unlocking at lvl 92 or something. But if town trips arent the problem, this extra inv of space is just to save a cube click? Jeff Bezos, what?!

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I almost never had a full inv of charms.
5 or 6 skillers was plenty to solo 8p games. I don’t rly need a charm inventory

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it does depend on the class for sure, but when skillers are efficient they are WAY more efficient.

also just becuase “you don’t need it” donest mean others don’t.

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The efficiency of 5 skillers vs 8 skillers is rarely important even in an 8p game.

Is it more efficient? Yea, but for most chars we’re probably talking a 2-3 percent change in efficiency, if that.

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again it depends on the build and the class for sure, being the difference in clear speed of it taking 2 hits vs 3 hits or 1 hits vs 2 hits can make a huge difference in clear time over multiple runs

There are no high cooldown skills in d2. There are zero builds in the game that 3 extra skillers make a drastic difference. If you find one, let me know.

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I don’t think I missed your point.

We actually HAVE the choice, but FEEL forced to maximize power since it optimizes efficiency.

The game isn’t “making things annoying”, players do it.

If you decide to trade fun for efficiency, it’s still a personal conception of what a game is.

I think I’ve found what I’ve missed.

Since there’s a ladder, there’s a competitive aspect which incites people to be the most efficient as possible, so they feel forced to sacrifice the comfort for power.

[ Added in my initial post ]

We have 1000 topics on this and 1000 topics on personal loot and what ever other dumb bleep i post… look its a broked record that has slash marks across it. I think that the same people have repeated them selves over and over i forget where my opinion , insanity , trolling and soul happen to be. Honestly at this point its 100% clear to me you and anyone with some functioning brain power left… We need a QOL and a Classic Ladder if they delay the game and do it right so we have a huge sustained player base fine. Its not like MODs are going anywhere ill just plug along in PD2 until its time for a graphics upgrade and back to is it 3 helm , chest and weapon for mercs? christ. Once you go charm inventory you never go back. Can we also all agree on the whole Cow king thing??? I do cow runs until the end of time…

I assume I haven’t read all posts of this 1000 topics, since I generally stop when I read the endless “play D2” vs “play D3” arguments.

It’s probably why I needed some more feedback, starting from my understanding of the situation, in view to make things clearer in my head, even if it’s already clear for some of us.

Fortunately, a few members made the effort to bring (one more time, maybe) some constructive points of view.
I thanks them.

I’m sorry if this #1001 post annoyed you and some other members, but it’s still quite easy to just ignore it if you feel it doesn’t interest you anymore.

I understand your point since I’ve myself stopped to be an MVP, a few years ago, when I’ve been lazy to repeat same things all the time in endless (and often toxic) debates.

But you can’t expect that a General Discussion forum will only contain fresh and interesting topics.

I’ve already provided my “serious” feedback on the Tech Alpha dedicated forum.