Just asking if other people are seeing this in their Material list?
I’m seeing the 3 older machines mats. Vengeful Eye, Writhing Spine, & Devil’s fang in the list. Plus I was in a game the other day and somebody was saying they needed the Writhing Spine.
I’m only seeing this in one my accounts Davey. In the other accounts it isn’t there. Could it be a BUG?
I think you’re looking at level 60 Hellfire Ring variant? At least that’s what those materials are for. As far as I know, these are not accessible anymore unless you play classic Diablo 3.
I think they’ll show up if you had some of those materials at some point after the materials tab was added. If you do, they had an entry added into the materials tab to store them.
I don’t have an entry for those materials in EU/Asia, because I didn’t play those regions until recently and never had the vanilla Hellfire materials there. But I do have a listing for it on NA.
The listing entry does seem to carry into season as well, I have a couple of those materials in non-season on NA server so they are listed on my seasonal characters as well, even though I obviously never had those materials this season:
NA non-season:
NA season:
EU non-season:
Probably something similar happened to OP, they had those materials at some point in non-season so they are listed in their seasonal materials tab as well.
The only way to obtain those 3 old mats is if an account doesn’t own RoS.
I didn’t think of that and yes I still have those mats. I have 120 of them on my non season side on the Davey account. Yes if you use them they still work. The Davey account has been here from Day 1. The others started after ROS.
I thought you could still farm them if your character is lvl 60-69 though. I haven’t tried in a while though, but I remember getting some machines when farming the keywardens (funny, considering they no longer drop machine parts (keys), they just drop machines now).
Lot of people have forgotten the hassle of hunting ubers. Stacking Nephalim power by killing 3 elite packs, then farming keywardens, crafting the machine, then having those stacks again to go fight the ubers.
It was nuts.
So glad they simplified it over the years. Too bad the amulet is now niche for certain builds, but roll so terrible.
And yeah, I have tons of mats left over from the old days, along with a pile of the original machines.
They are still available. However, they’re very difficult to get, especially on a single playthrough since you must be on Torment 1 or above to get the parts to drop from the keywardens. In order to obtain them you have to do that in the limited span of just one level: LV 60. Once you hit 61 they no longer drop, and because Torment 1 is the minimum for them to drop, you’ll likely hit 61 after just a mere two keywarden kills.
The materials show up in your materials tab if you have ever gotten the respective parts at any time.
Pretty sure it required you to have/get those mats after they added the current system with crafting mats no needing inventory space. I do not have those represented on my chars and I have most definitely acquired those mats when they came. I’m not one to save things I don’t use though so by the time the system was change I no longer had any.
They will also show up if you had any of those materials in your non-seasonal inventory or stash at the time of the implementation of the materials tab. Once that happened, those materials would show up for seasonal characters, but obviously be “zero” because the likelihood of getting any of those mats now is extremely low.
Oh that’s a good point. Now that I think of it, I’m not sure about the RoS requirement.
Ha! Me too.
I did a test and yes you can get them. But you will not get them all the time. I got 1 from act2 and at lvl 61 not 60. I was at lvl 60 in act1 and no drop. Plus I was at different “T” lvl too. So don’t really waste your time.
The other thing I can’t remember is if you have the game started with a character at level 60 and then join it, have that player leave, if they will drop because the game level is at 60. I haven’t tested this in a long time, so I can’t be certain if that approach works either sadly.
Ohh those things.
I believe I have some machines lying around too on ns, eu, asia possibly americas too. Also still have some of those lvl 60 hellfire rings.
I do have those entries in my materials tab.