Inclusion in 4 man meta vs. high solo greater rifts

I was asked this and I thought this was an interesting question. I wonder what others thoughts are.


Meta. Every time. Use the group gains to buff up your strong solo builds/classes.

He refers to the same class (meta or solo); while you to, at least, two classes (meta and solo).

A fact missed by many people: if your favorite class is not in meta, less people play it and you’re more likely to be top 1000 on the leaderboard.

But anyway, I play DH and Cru most, because of their playstyle. If you don’t play well, you can’t be on the leaderboard anyway so the meta doesn’t matter…

Definitely prefer to be strong solo. I rarely play in groups, and have never done higher than 125 in a group anyway.


Solo for me as I have no interest in meta group play.


I am not sure that this is true, especially for the top of the leaderboards. If you look at the top of the solo seasonal witch doctor leaderboard, almost everyone plays a meta class to get themselves into that position. The #10 witch doctor has played witch doctor only 13 hours this season. The #1 ranked solo demon hunter has played that class only 20 hours this season.


You’re right, and I never said not being in meta make it easier to be top 100 or 10.

For DH and Cru (I don’t play WD and I’m too lazy to check :thinking:), I think in US server there are <200 people play a meta class and push very high with the 2 non-meta class.

I don’t play a meta class just because I don’t have a fixed group to play with, and the meta builds are more difficult than I can handle. zmonk may be the only class I can try among them.