In depth new DH set GoD6 analysis, tips and detailed setup options!

what paragon tho?

Just looking at US boards I’m amazed at how many different variations of the GoD build pop up.


12,288 lol. They even used a Valla’s Bequest for what I can only imagine is to proc Cull of the Weak more effectively (except he isn’t using Thrill of the Hunt in profile). The dude has 12.1M profile DPS and 176% area damage with 108M profile toughness, so basically they could run any build with those stats and make it look easy in GR145+.

One with 12k and the other with 10k. This one with 10k made 147 in 12m.

I’m assuming it doesn’t work, but was Strafe% ever tested with the autogenerator damage?

E.g. is is possible that both Strafe% and Hungering Arrow% boost the damage of autofired Hungering Arrows? Sorta like how dart docs work (both Fetish Army % and Poison Dart % are separate skill damage multipliers).

Doubtful it works like this, but this could explain it.

EDIT: Just checked on EU and the top guy running Valla’s rolled the Strafe% off, so this definitely isn’t it.

We tested this very thing on the PTR, including bonus damage to strafe on shoulders and chest. We did not find a damage increase for strafed generators.

I’ll be happy to assemble the test group again to do it on live, but unless they did a stealth change somewhere, I doubt that it’s different on live.

Also take into account when we did these test on PTR, you still had Asian 10k+ paragons using Valla’s Bequest. It’s specifically why we tested it in the first place. Also a few of them were running the weapon without the stafe damage % modifier on the weapon.

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Yeah that’s kinda what I figured.

I’m a little hazy on the Hungering Arrow mechanics, but it only travels so far right? Does the Valla’s pierce alter the maximum Hungering Arrow travel distance for autofired Hungering Arrows?

Just made a video. Uploading atm.

This is an interesting thought.

EDIT: Upon testing, it does not appear to alter travel distance. I may need a better testing environment though with someone like Iria in pvp for static distance, but vs mobs that moved, I didn’t see any difference.

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Video below.

I swapped between using Dawn and VB to test the damage as well as pierces on a single mob in old ruins. I removed all possible factors that would alter results.

In terms of damage, my dawn is stronger than my VB, however not by much. Dawn reached 50 mil crits at the high end while strafing with full stacks vs 45 mil at the high end with VB. If VB’s strafe damage % was taken into account, VB’s high end damage would be significantly higher than 45 mil, beating out Dawns high end.

I also did a stand still test with full stacks using VB. VB’s generators at stand still was also topping off at 45 mil which is the same high end as when I was strafing. This further illustrates that VB’s strafe damage % has no effect on the generator.

I did not record pierces involving NCS quiver, however as a side effect in the video, you can also see that VB’s appeared to not add any additional pierces or a guaranteed pierce when I was strafing. Used serrated arrow for consistent results.

In terms of on the surface, nothing out of the ordinary is happening. It is possible VB is doing something unintended, reacting to mechanics in a particular situation/environment, though that would be hard to test.


Maybe it’s just that you can roll the strafe damage to something more useful?
You can get some nice combos that way.

In theory:
10% damage
24% area damage
10% cooldown
1000 dex

or any other variation you would prefer I guess.

Yeah, but there’s some people with the Strafe% still on there, so that negates that benefit.

And even if you roll it off to gain an extra affix, you’re basically trading one of Odyssey’s End/Echoing Fury/Fortress Ballista for a single affix. An extra affix is valuable, sure, but I think any of those competing options are significantly more valuable than one affix.

Well then there should be some weird interaction going on then.
I am sure someone here will figure it out, not me anyway.

Can someone explain how echoing fury works in the build?

I was under the impression the generator shots from strafe cap at a certain threshold, so is the benefit because it allows you to do more “manual” casting of generators while strafing/weaving? Dieoxide’s post says you need to “stand still for the benefit” so are we actually stopping strafe and just shooting the generator manually when the buff is active?

Technically, yes. Echoing fury’s attack speed buff does nothing for you while your strafing other than movement speed, so play style is to strafe from spot to spot to plant and shoot.

Overtime, i expect this variation to weed out as fortress/dawn DW becomes more popular, but it is an option.

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Thanks for clarifying, been trying all 3 and gotta say it’s hard to pass up the raw dps of the Odyssey’s End variant.

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The second patch on the PTR allowed strafed HA’s to pierce, ignoring strafe’s proc coef, as well as proc AD.

We did a whole thread on testing on the PTR in which you can find here.

GoD generator does proc area damage. Second patch on PTR allowed strafed generators to proc, which included area damage. With that said, since it already does proc area damage, Valla’s Bequest has no effect.

The only minor benefit to Valla’s Bequest is that if you run Thrill of the Hunt, you can more easily proc Cull of the Weak and/or Numbing Traps on everything. But it’s not worth a weapon slot.

Great guide! Thank you :slight_smile: Can I please ask also for zDH item/skill guide? I mean GoD zdps variant. I belive it will be very useful and every DH in public games should have both DPS and ZDPS builds ready in armory.

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We are shaking out a couple different ideas. dmkt has been trying out several variants. Raxxanerax (sp?) has a YouTube vid up of a nice option.


This build is fun as f… Really enjoying DH again…