Improving the Crusader(item ideas and buffs)

So as a returning long time fan of diablo3, I must say the build variety is better than ever, but more want more. I’ve tried all popular builds and pushed them to my limit which is around GR120, (invoker GR123, Valor GR115, Seeker GR119, Rolands GR118). I have also made less viable builds like Roland Shieldbash, Akkhan Condemn/Blessed shield/stampede and while playing thinking what could be improved. In a perfect scenario all builds should be equal and only the players skill/determination should determine the viability. I also know that Blizzard cant just buff all builds to equal at once becuase people would lose interest after 1 season. People need insentive to come back.

So im gonna focus my thoughts mostly on Phalanx, which is a old but fun build. I did a d3 planner on how I played it before Norvalds was halfed in dmg. Torment XVI somewhat viable, and GR clear around 90 at 10 mins or so.

Its pretty simple to make it a better performing build
-Unrelenting Phalanx = Double the cast of phalanx and x amount of dmg multiplier
-Warhelm of Kassar = Cdr on phalanx with all the cooldown items that exists now ain’t really necessary. Make it a x amount of dmg multiplier somewhat close to Hammer jammers where some criteria needs to be met.

Next build is Condemn - I think its simple. Make Condemn have a cast animation so it scales with attackspeed also add a bracer that buffs something. Sorta close how AoV valor is played. You gather up a bunch of mobs and then dump all ur wrath with FoH, but Condemn in this case.

My 2 cents if anyone would want to read or comment. Just wanted to get it of my chest

Phalanx would be better if they were somewhat like a necromancer’s skeletal mages. For example, you can cast as many as you have resource for and there are a few items that help them, preferably in the damage and duration area.

Bolas is like playing Condemn. Spamming a pull effect at 4APS is bad, but it works fine at like 1APS.

Condemn Vacuum is awesome utility.

The skill needs to deal more damage to the rift guardian: Condemn deals triple damage when it hits fewer than 4 enemies.

This would drastically help those extreme pushes.

Also, the stronger LoD version is too fragile due to AC dropping. There are creative ways to make the build more sturdy if the player doesn’t take Furnace. The triple damage thing might help in that department.

GoD DH with bolas was awesome :D, however I see ur point. I did GR110 and I can say I skipped yellow elites almost entirely cause it was not possible to do when there was no trash around.

What about making the last fire rune deal ur thorns dmg? I know we got atleast 2 thorny builds, but seems they are very strong so.

We have 2 thorn builds. I personally use Condemn in LoN Bomb. Having Condemn produce thorns damage would make it too similar to Lon Bomb – the only difference being the skill doing the damage.

Vacuum is too good, I wouldn’t ever want to play Condemn without it.

It’d be funny if there were a Condemn rune that did the opposite of Vacuum, pushed the enemies 10 yards while inflicting heavy damage… a rune Blower.

Sorry for my english, I really wish it could be a support oriented like set, with consecration, empowered laws, both boosting stats of the party and spenders to reduce those cooldowns (like roland and seeker of light), i mean any spenders, making us capable choose to be a melee crusader or a caster crusader

I think its possible, since there’s not a support build for this class for late game to playing it in a support way and I think it’s simple to do, here’s something:
-2p bonus: Laws got all the runes, double its duration and effectiveness
-4p bonus: any ability that consumes Wrath lowers the CD of Laws and Consecration, by 1 second, you got 50% DR when at least one Consecration is active
-6p bonus: Consecration has its effectiveness doubled and you deal X% more damage while at least one Consecration is active

Or something like that

While X stands for damage, being a support build leads to make less (but viable while solo) damage compared to other sets, while buffing and healing the party (which makes the bigger dps)

Some item to make Consecraction able to move as the crusader/players do maybe? Since in late game speed is a must

Also something more easy to gain DR would be great, other classes can get it with some items by simply using primary skills or spenders, while crusaders, has too much tricky ways to do that and its effects doesn’t last long enough to be useful (except 4p bonus of invoker, but it cannot be used for all build)