Improve Teleport itself instead of making it a mechanic on the Firebird set

The Wizard Community is asking for a buff to Teleport since quite a while, because Teleport is only a mediocre Movement Skill at best.

Doing this via a rework of the Firebird set only benefits Teleport in Firebird builds, but does nothing for other builds.

I think that putting Teleport into the Firebird set will not solve the actual problem and only create additional work for you (the devs) in the future.

Maybe you can do something else with the Combustion stacks than letting them reduce the Cooldown of Teleport, and you probably have something in mind already what could be done with the Firebird set (especially after the mostly underwhelming feedback the rework of the set got), but I have some suggestions for how to improve Teleport:

2 Charges
Each Charge has a Recharge Time of 8 seconds.
^^ the Monkā€™s Movement Skill Dashing Strike also has 2 Charges with a Recharge Time of 8 seconds each, so I guess these numbers are okay. ^^

Wormhole Rune
Adds a 3rd Charge.

Reversal Rune
Replace with another rune that makes ot so that Teleport costs 30 Arcane Power instead of having Charges.
Suggestion: this new rune could be called ā€œAetherwalkā€, because it kinda fits.

If the mechanic of resetting the Cooldown of Teleport would become problematic with changing Teleport from a Cooldown to Charges, then Illusionist could gives Teleport e.g. ~20% Cooldown Reduction and ~20% Resource Cost Reduction, instead of resetting the CD, but that is just a suggestion for a problem that I donā€™t even know exists, so I am mentioning it just in case it comes up.

Aether Walker
Rework the special affix to ā€˜Deal 150% increased damage for 5 seconds after you used Teleportā€™.

The Oculus
This item current has a blue affix on it that reduces the Cooldown of Teleport by 1-4 seconds, which eventually would be problematic when changing Teleport to Charges or reducing its base cooldown, so maybe to disable old versions of this item, the special afix of older versions needs to give something like +100 Level Requirement.

The special affix can be reworked on new versions of this item to something like ā€œTeleport gains the Safe Passage runeā€.


I know that I donā€™t speak for everyone in the Wizard community and so it might be appropriate to mention another alternative that some other players favor over Charges or a Cooldown, which is to let Teleport cost 30 Arcane Power.

In the end, how you change Teleport is up to you (the devs), but upgrading Teleport is something that is definitely welcome.

Thank you!


I second the teleport rework. Even with the Firebirdā€™s buff, wiz is still painfully slow. The stacks donā€™t last very long and the cooldown/global cooldown is slow af.


Teleport should work as it does in Diablo2. :grinning:

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I think itā€™s the internal cool down and/or end animation thatā€™s the issue. To see what I mean, click a channeling pylon and hold down your movement key.

Monkā€™s ds, necroā€™s br, and Barbā€™s fc all let you fly across the screen. DH vault and sader pony are slower but still much faster and more fluid that a wizardā€™s teleport. For wiz, itā€™s tele - pause - tele - pauseā€¦

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They need to shorten the cool down and the animation to match the Necroā€™s teleport. I said years ago that Wiz teleport was designed after Q*Bert. Currently the closest to smooth is super high ApS and CDR with Wormhole in Archon for. Iā€™m in favor of them fixing Tele and doing something Awesome with Firebird set.

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Maybe they could rework the Illusionist Passive?

For example:


  • Attacking grants an illusionist stack for 10 seconds, up to 10 stacks max. Each stack reduces the cooldown of Teleport, Slow Time, and Mirror Images by 10%.

Then change Aether Walker to:

  • While the Illusionist passive is active, attacking grants 2 additional illusionist stacks. Teleporting increases the damage of your skills by 12-15% for each illusionist stack for 10 seconds.

Also change Gesture of Orpheus to:

  • Enemies affected by slow time take xx% more damage. While a Slow Time bubble is active, enemies hit by your attacks are slowed by time for 5 seconds.

Lastly change the Delsereā€™s 2 piece bonus to:

  • Each stack of Illusionists reduces your skills cooldown by 2.5%. Casting Slow Time also creates a bubble around you that lasts forever.

Then they could detach teleport from Firebird, and work on improving the set.

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100% CDR for Teleport, Slow Time and Mirror Images? That is way too much and the 10 second duration on the stacks can easily be kept up. That all is waly too much.

That one I can get behind.

Teleport with the Wormhole rune does not have a CD between the first and second use, so that is a base that can be used for that.

I think that is because DS has Charges instead of a CD. Not sure, but I have to test that. Monk is not one of my main classes. Have to double check.

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Yeah itā€™s not the animation, you can spam it twice with wormhole before getting the global cooldown. The reason monk is so fast is because of the charges. Wormhole works in a similar way.

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With the exception of nearly limitless teleport, I donā€™t see how it would be too much. Mirror Images arenā€™t used for much as far as Iā€™m aware of, as they donā€™t provide much damage, or any damage reduction. And Slow Time can already have low cd thanks to the Delsere set and Gesture of Orpheus.

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yeah, but 100% Teleport for free is still there and that alone is kinda too much.

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Well it wouldnā€™t necessarily be for free as it would cost you a passive slot, and thereā€™s still the build up for it. Ideally the build up wouldnā€™t be as fast as it is with the Firebird 4 piece combustions, unless a person was using the Aether Walker variation I had described. If that is still too much, then one can simply tack on an arcane cost to teleport via Illusionist:

Attacking grants an illusionist stack for 10 seconds, up to 10 stacks max. Each stack reduces the cooldown of Teleport, Slow Time, and Mirror Images by 10%. For each Illusionist stack, teleport costs 2.5 arcane power.

Philip Fry faceā€¦ Hmm, where did I see these wordsā€¦

Actually I was asking for giving moar speed to wiz long ago, including previous PTR. No reaction of course. Wiz MUST be given significantly faster teleport cooldown to just be a valuable character pick. Else he just runs in middle of a map when his partners are on the on the middle of the next one.
But not only teleport is a problem. Wiz CANā€™T attack on the move. When barb or monk or DH attack, they donā€™t stop for this. No any class has to just STAND on place as much as wiz does. There must be a rune or a cloth or a set buff that makes wiz fire his laser on the move at least sometimes.

Less CD and 2 Charges imo.

nah, I donā€™t think that can work with mouse controls.

The only Wizard skill that I can think of that could deal damage while moving is the Sleet Storm rune for Ray of Frost.

If that would be its own skill with various other elemental runes, then you could move with that skill as it kinda does not require targetingā€¦

ā€¦ but a laser or ray? no.

There should be a few more builds for Arcane Orb and Energy Twister imo.

The Global cooldown and the casting animation are big issues, especially compared to Dashing Strike (which is the bees knees). So a hell yeah to fixing teleport, and bloodrush for that matter. Both should be on par with Dashing Strike.

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Great suggestions guys. We have been asking for Wizard teleport/mobility improvements for so long that I almost lost any hope.

Adding teleport to Firebirdā€™s set is an indication that Blizzard could have noticed our requests, but we all wanted general teleport/mobility improvements which are not restricted to specific set.

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I totally agree! Even with the changes to Firebirds Teleport needs to be reworked!

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Not sure Iā€™d lump blood rush in with this. Giving necro a teleport was just another selling point for the expansion. It doesnā€™t really make much sense for the class. Plus Steuarts make Blood rush one of the most potent movement abilities in all of D3. To me, it makes more sense that a wizard would have a quicker teleport. Maybe itā€™s just my nostalgia for D2 sorceress teleport, but at any rate the Wiz is painfully slow in virtually every build.