Important Discussion about the importance of Trading

That’s great. Hopefully then they’ll also realize that trading needs to be what people are hoping for or it will be bad for PR and bad for sales.

Many people who are asking for open trading in D4 have jsp accounts with lots of forum gold. And forum gold is sold for real money by the big jsp item sellers and botters. D4 will be plagued by jsp with open trading. My solution is the best solution to curb all RMT, which essentially what jsp is. Any newcomers to the Diablo franchise when purchasing D4 will be buying forum gold from jsp to buy items.

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Only Diablo 3, it was balanced for the auction house and it was a mistake. Loot can be rare with or without trade, the rarity of an item then determines its value in trade. Diablo 2 single player mode, Path of Exile SSF mode, no trade, 100% fun and viable.

Like in Diablo 3?

Where the only communication between randoms = “LFG”, LF BArb", LF RAT", “rdy?”, “y”, “close?”, “+”, “splitbonty”, “gob”, …and maybe only a handfull more shortcuts…thats it.

The only thing that you can balance around trading is the item droprate.

And I rly hope that they will, so hopefully Legendarys feel legendary again and not raining down like currently in D3.

But yes they have to find the golden mid, so people who dont like to trade dont have a disadvantage (Not like D3 Vanilla, where at the end it was mandatory to use the GAH/RMAH to progress).

Anything beyond that takes effort anywhere. Trading doesnt magically change that. In PoE you can trade without the participants saying anything to eachother at all, except for some pre-created trade message from
And maybe a Thanks at the end.

If you put in the effort, it is surely possible. With or without trading.

And again, the argument you used before:

Also applied to the AH’s that were in D3. So which is it?

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There is no good middleground though. The efficiency gap with trading vs. no-trading is too huge. Going for a middleground would likely just disappoint everyone.

But yeah, they need to move quite far away from D3 droprates.

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The problem is, with trading, the drop rate of game will have to be adjusted for trading. Christ Wilson , head of GGG himself said loot in PoE was designed with trading in mind.

People who dislike trading, and many people hated trading in PoE, but are force to trade.

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I already gave you the answere to this question (apples & pears)…you have to scroll up. :wink:

Bcs of the AH…the problem was not only the AH back in the time, it was the combination of the difficulty of D3 Vanilla in combination with the AH.

At the end it was mandatory to use the AH bcs you had to have certain stats on gear to progress (not only certain items, also certain stats on this items).

Means you ended up flipping the AH to progress the game…this has nothing to do with a working trading system where you can achieve everything even without trading (like in POE f.e.).

You are forced to trade only if you want to have/play the faceroll metabuilds everyone plays.

Theres also a SSF mode and you can beat the whole game in this mode without trading.

Yes it takes a bit longer and if you want to create a meta build in SSF even longer.

But isn’t this what good games should be about…long term motivation?

I have no problems if I need 1 month to find good gear & beat the Shaper f.e.

Better than beating everything within 1 week and reading post of crying people in the forum that they have nothing to do. :wink:

Except it wasn’t mandatory to use the AH to progress in vanilla D3, just easier.

Just like trading in D2, except most of the playerbase didn’t use it because it was obnoxious and cumbersome.

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Well I hate to break it to you but you are the minority.

True. But that still speaks to an imbalance. Trade-mode in PoE is badly balanced then. The two modes need to be balanced for it to be meaningful. Doesnt mean everything should be quick and easy. It might certainly mean everything should take time - in both modes.

Or maybe it is you? :slight_smile:

Diablo 2 was completely different.

Farming a ZOD rune f.e. became super annoying after a while (bcs it took weeks or even monts of specific boss farming to get one)

Yes the first 3-4 ladder its fun to farm like crazy for it to craft a “Breath of the Dying” in this example.

But after a while its getting boring and you rather farm stuff that has a equal worth to trade. :wink:

Can you sauce this please?

And again, how exactly does it harm your life and/or gaming experience if others used the AH in D3 and you didn’t?

I am just pointing out adding trading does affect people who do not want to trade.

Also people who do not want to trade isn’t just because they want to take longer to gear, but they hate trading.

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lol…are you troling me? ^^

Simply read my posts before you ask again.

But you didn’t tell us how trading affects your game bcs you’re against it, not me. :wink:

their elitist opinions are irrelevant to an average playerbase.

only lootdrops, no player trading at all (nothing that can influence loot droprate)
-all items account bound, cut away the bots and RMAH.


Remember the Diablo 3 vanilla days… spend $2 to gain an 8 hour advantage… makes playing the game seem real unrewarding…

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