Impale quiver question

Hi guys.
What would be better? 20AS or 10CC? I miss 1 AS for next breakpoint.
Still trying to get better quiver, but no success.
Tia, Mike

My knee jerk reaction, after looking at the rest of your build, is % life to CHC and use Enchantress as your follower to reach your AS breakpoint.

should be an easy answer cause you cant roll atk speed on quivers. i dont think its possible for any breakpoint to be better than 10cc tho

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Reroll 7% IAS to 105-210 damage on your CoE, and 14% life to 10% CHC on your quiver.

Problem solved. Chasing breakpoint isn’t necessarily the best.


10CC of course, no question

Swapped COE for chc/chd/+damage and 10CC on quiver. Also Compass Rose chd instead chc. Big difference. Thanks.

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